SoCiEtIeS ArCh NeMeSiS CyBeRpUnK E-ZiNe Issue #2 December 2014         

welcome to the order of the...
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      /\            THE LAUNDRoMAT OF YOUR MIND           /\    O       O
     \  /\  /\          EXTRA BIG DECEMBER ISSUE!!!   /  \    .
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your online cyber-zine for:
Occult home experiments - Synthesizers - Sorcery & Magick - DIY projects -
Movies - Music - Counter Culture - UFOlogy - Poetry - Obsolete computers -
Artificial Intelligence - Rastafarian Language Course - ExoPsychology
and lots more!!!!!

Here is the loooong awaited 2nd issue of the SHADOW WOLF Cyberzine. Right
in time to get you through the hell of christmas. You might
have noticed that the web adress didnt operate anymore, thats
because I kinda forgot to renew the name or pay it or something....its not that
important we will just put it on from now on!
There you can also find the 1st issue in glorious green monochrome.
That also means the email is gone, if you have an article
you know where to find me.

My name is S.Haddowwolf and I am a CyBeRpUnK...are u 2???!?!

Order of the Shadow Wolf partners in MIND-CRIME:
Lacksley Shambleton * Adeptus from Black Angel Crew * Guy Tavares *
Clendon Toblerone *
BoeufStroganoff * Trollius Magnus-Basketcase *
Argios the Sorcerer Druid * Myster E Mallik * Baz Reznik * DaTa ThOr
Jimi Voltagio * Eggerton Omolet and many more

1. The Urbino Mirror Experiment

2. News From Intergalactic FM Radio

3. The Great Mono-Poly Interview

4. Latest Ball Lightning Theories

5. Rastafarian Language Course

6. Hong Kong's Electro Trash Hunt

7. Brian Eno's Ambient Surround Speaker System

8. Xenology 101: A Guide To Greys

9. Hot Producer Tips
10. The Occult Orientated Crime Album

11. Psychoactive Properties Of Garlic

12. Behringer BSY600 Bass Synthesizer Review

13. Behind The Scenes Of Relics Of The Past

14. Exo-Psychology With The Eight Circuit Model Of Consciousness

15. New Words For U

16. ASCII Art Gallery

17. Video Advice Movie Tips

18. Essential Trip Music

19. Build Your Own Mixer Controlled Feedback Synth

20. Pulsars Of Poetry

21. Roland Aira TR8 Review From Miami

22. Hail To The Technological Singularity

23. Baz Reznik's Travel Journal

24. The Wisdom Of Argios The Sorcerer Druid

25. SchmerzLabor Und Das Cabaret Voltaire

26. Classifieds

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"The Urbino Mirror Experiment, an occult home adventure"

Here is an astonishing mysterious experiment you can do with just a mirror
and a dim light. In the Urbino mirror experiment you sit or stand
before a mirror, starring at your own reflection for some time. After a few
minutes your reflection will transform into the face of someone or something
else! Another person, someone you might know, an ancestor, an archetypical
face, an animal, a demon or magic creature...or something even weirder!

Reality falls apart, the true nature of the very self becomes questionable,
do you even exist? Are you just some kind of vaporous hologram of which
reality and proof we can only behold in a mirror? Does the fabric of reality
short circuit in some kind of weird glitch loop because you are watching
yourself which is not really yourself?

This strange phenomenon has been used since the earliest of times by
sorcerers, witches, clairvoyants and fortune tellers in magick practices.
It has only recently, in 2010,  been scientificly studied by dr. Giovanni
Caputo from the university of Urbino in Italy, hence the name "URBINO

This experiment might be scary, some people experienced seeing monstrous
beings and felt quite disturbed aftwerwards.

What you need:
A dark room

A mirror - Dr. Giovanni Caputo suggests a mirror at least 50 by 50 cm,
(that would be 19 by 19 inches) but I guess a smaller one will do also.

A dim light - Giovanni suggests a 25W incandescent light, but you probably
can try candles, LED's too or something.

Thats all you need...Place the light behind you, preferably on a lower level
then the mirror. Sit before the mirror with a distance of 40 centimeters  
(about 15-16 inches). Gaze for a couple of minutes at your own reflection and
if everything should go as planned you will experience the strange face

Schematic drawing of the experiment:

                        _____             |\
                       /     \            | \
                      |  _____\   40 cm   | |
                      | |   -| <--------->| |

                      |_/     ]           | |
                        |   -|            | |  <--,
             ___|___-'_           | |     |
           |        /       o  \          | |
                   |   |    o  |\         | |   mirror

 \     you ------> |   |________-\__      | /
                   \____________/_/ '-----|/-----------
   \       |       /   |      |_________        
                       |_____________   |

       |     /     |________/ |  |  |
                       |   |    | |  |  |
   dim light   /       |   |    | |  |  |

           _           |        |    |__|
     |__\ ( )   - - -  |        |    |   --,
        /  =           |        |     =====
          / \       

Experiment with different colors of light and sound. Research if certain
music or frequencies have different effects on the transforming reflections.

Scientific Explanation
So what did Dr.Giovanna Caputo find out during this experiment? Well nothing
much except that it is a real experience and that there is not really a
conclusive scientific explenation of what is going on. We simply don't know
enough of neuroscience or how the brain works yet to understand. There are
however some theories Dr.Caputo hinted at, which you can read in his report of
the experiment, in pdf file


N E W S    F R O M . . .
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               .        .           .      .     .        .     .    .    .
====================================                   .    .      .
==================================== MURDERCAPITAL FM   . .   .  *     .
==================================== RADIO GALAXIA    .  .  .      . .   .
==================================== THE GARDEN    .          .   .      
==================================== INTERGALACTIC CLASSICS     .   .
==============I N T E R============= THE DREAM MACHINE      .     .
==================================== RADIO FREE ROBOTRON  .      
=========== G A L A C T I C ======== ___-----______-----___----____--__-_____
==================================== _____-----______------___---____-_______
================ F M =============== ________-----______----_____--_____-____
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The hottest radiostation on the internet 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

Tune in at --->

This month 26 december the IFM TOP 100 2014 will be broadcasted live from
the ALAZKA cocktailbar in Scheveningen Beach. Starts at 16:00, you can visit
and drink some nice cocktails. Adress is Zeekant 32, easily reachable with
public transport lines trams 1, 11 (From The Hague hollands spoor station)
and bus 22 (from The Hague central station).

And February 6th there will be an Intergalactic FM party in Rotterdam at the
Perron club with I-F , Gesloten Cirkel , Legowelt and Still Serious Nic!!!

Also remember every Thursday and Friday there is live broadcast /TV / Action
from the PANAMA RACING CLUB. Its always open if you want to perform, DJ, talk,
do magic tricks or whatever you want to do.
Mail IFMX ///a t/// for more informatioN!

If you don't want to do a liveshow you can also send in a mix! Every tuesday
its time for the supermix on IFM channel 1. Send in a mix (1 hour minimum)
and IFM will make you famous! --->


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Hidden somewhere in the shadow of the brand new colossal cathedral-esque
Rotterdam Central Station there is a cosy room with probably one of the
most amazing collections of modular synths in Holland…or maybe even europe…
maybe even the world. It is the modular synthesizer studio of Dennis
Verschoor, better known by his artist names Mono-Poly and Zond3.

In his windowless sweaty modular synthesizer studio he drones away on
countless new and ancient machines. Some dating from the very earliest
pioneering times of electronic music. Endless Infinite loops of ever
changing  sounds, bleeps, drones…from dreamy ethereal pads to harsh
industrial noise. He has released a number of albums on various labels
such as the  cult Japanese Doppelgänger records, based around the Japanese
avant garde dark ambient scene of Koichi Watanabe and Seiji Nagai.

Miles of wires are intertwined on the modular synths, wires that remind us
of endless infinite threads of noodles. Dennis calls himself jokingly "chef
noodle" sometimes, like the muppet's swedish chef cooking up the modular
canapés frolicking around…but such a name might be too light hearted: With a
little imagination Dennis could also be a fiendishly genius villain trying
to fabricate evil giant drones to take over the world. Shadow Wolf investi-
gated to seek out whats cooking in Rotterdam…

Q: I guess most readers will know what a modular synthesizer is, but just
for fun and those 3 people that don't know...could you explain very shortly
in your own words what it is and why you particularly like it so much?

Dennis: A modular synth is basically something like a custom car. You can
choose what kind of wheels you want, what type of engine, what exhaust etc....
So basicaly in synthesis language you can build it up with vco's, vcfs and
vca's etc from all different kinds of types and brands. But you can also add
exotic stuff like ring-modulators, wave-shapers etc. That is also for me the
main reason why I like modular synthesizers that much.

Q: You call your creations Noodles. Can you explain what Noodling is?

Dennis: Noodling, basically, is patching and playing modular synthesizers.
I often call patches noodles when they are self playing patches without any
hand manipulation or computer control…and not sounding like a looping 16 step sequencer…something that keeps evolving by itself.

Q: Is there a difference between Noodles and Drones?

Dennis: Well a noodle could be a drone actually and a drone a noodle.
But basically a noodle for me is an automatic continuous changing patch which
could be rhythmic or melodic…or a combination of all above. But a drone is
basically a one note tone or chord which slowly evolves due to a vcf filter,
pulse width or wave-shape modulation for example.

Q: Why is the term Noodling used and not Spaghetti-ing for example? Just
because it is easier to pronounce or is there another reason, maybe even a
more sinister one?

Dennis: I think spaghetti somehow sounds more like a mess and noodling cooler.
Noodles are nicer to eat then spaghetti anyway!

Q: How did you get involved with the mysterious Japanese Doppelgänger label
where you did your first release…can you tell us a bit who is behind it and
have you ever played there or want to in the future?

Dennis: At the time i contacted Koichi Watanabe i was using some Buchla 100
VCO's and a bandpass filter together with my Wiard. I was doing some deep
spacious drone stuff and i had some stuff done. So i was looking into labels
and doppelgänger was one of the labels i did email. In the email i had an
example of the stuff i did and Koichi Watanabe replied me that he wanted to
release it on his label. So that's basicaly how i got a release there.

Q: What is the oldest machine you own?

Dennis: My oldest machine is a Rhode & Schwarz Abstimmbarer Anzeigeverstärker
UBM. Well actualy i currently own 6 of them. These were made from 1955 until
somewhere halfway the 1960s. Official these aren't "real" instruments but
made to test telephone-lines. They are bandpass filters with resonance and
build with tubes. Karl Heinz Stockhausen used them probably first in a
musical way in his compositions in the end 50s.
The oldest "real" synth piece i currently is i think my Oberheim SEM.
But the oldest i owned in the past was a Buchla/CBS modular from 1968.

Q: Your alias, Mono-Poly seems a bit odd as this is not a Modular Synth, was
this one of your synthesizers? How do you compare that synth nowadays with the
stuff you have now?

Dennis: The Korg Mono/Poly was the first monophonic analogue synthesizer i
ever owned. And i think the 3rd synthesizer i ever owned. The first one was a
Crumar Bit One (bought because it had midi)  And the second one a Roland JX3P
with a PG-200. I think the Mono/Poly is still an interesting synth and the
voicing switching and modulation possibilities are pretty good!

Q: Do you use scales at all or do you embrace the total freedom of stepless
frequencies that modular synths can provide?

Dennis: It depends,  but for the past years i've been using quantizers quite
often to keep notes in minor or major scales. (A Quantizer is a module that
automatically quantizes a "wild" untuned pitch into a pitch of a musical

Q: Do you see yourself as a explorer of sound…if so what have you discovered
so far (in terms of sounds, music and the influence it has on the mind, did
you ever have a mystical experience with sound?

Dennis: I think i'm an explorer of sound but also of patterns.
I'm not really sure how to describe discoveries but i think sounds and
soundscapes really play with your mind. Sometimes people come up with
complete story-lines when they listen to stuff. And i think we all do. Don't
we? I think it works really well when you're a painter.
Because i am a painter too. But i don't use paint but sine and square waves.

Q: And where do you want to take your exploring, are there any unknown, un-
mapped areas in sound you want to seek out?

Dennis: I want to discover new worlds.

Q: Are you aware of any frequencies that can influence the brain? Like for
example certain low frequencies around 19HZ make people feel uncomfortable,
scared that something is around them…like they are being haunted…did you
ever experience something like that? Or plan to do some experiments?

Dennis: Well offcourse frequency's work on your brain.
Everyone knows…and there are even goverements doing research experiments to
break or make people with sound/frequencies. Like torturing people at
Guatomale Bay while playing Skinny Puppy! I never experimented with it
yet but i will for sure!

Q: You have been playing abroad quite a few times now with your modular
synths at festivals and stuff…?

Dennis: I am a resident at Freerotation Festval in Wales (going 4th
year now). Last year was actually super fun and at Sunday i did a jam sesion
with Cary Grace which is an amazing Woman. She's an awesome musician, singer
and she builds Wiard modular synthesizers. Further more i play a few times
each year in Brussel which got a good and nice modular scene. I also
played in Kuru, Estonia last year.

Q: When you travel with your modulars, especially when you travel by air-
plane, I can imagine it can be difficult at airports, have there ever been
any problems with security?

Dennis: When i fly back from Berlin, Tegel they always take me out of the
cue into a seperate room for further investigation. The best thing i
learned is tell them you're a DJ.
Mostly there aren't any big problems at airports. But last year when I
flew to Tallin, Estonia to play at Kuru. I got there without a problem.
Got picked up at the airport went to the festival in the middle of the
woods, about 2 hours from the city. On Saturday i wanted to power up the
modular and it didn't work at all. This kind off stuff happens always
happen. But after some further inspection i noticed that the powersupply's
were broken. A coil on the pcb was broken off and the housing of the Coil
was broken.

There i was in the middle of nowhere and only 50% of the modular was
working. At first i was focused on getting a new power supply. But i
realised that wasn't possible....we were in the middle of nowhere.

So somehow I got this very old rusty soldering iron from a farm and we
arranfed some super glue. We didn't had solderpaste or anything but I
managed to get it working!
The rest of the weekend in Estonia was amazing and I ended up doing a
last show a few hours before my flight back somewhere in the Harbor
of Tallin.

Q: Apart from doing your music you also have been doing the noodle bar
events which have grown as an interesting get-to-together for many dutch
modular freak and enthiousast…can you tell us a bit about these nights?
Who have played so far etc.?

Dennis: In 2012 i was struggling with being annoyed that there was not
really a good electronic (modular) experimental scene here at all. In
August 2012 I started with the first Noodlebar on a Sunday at the old BAR
at the West-Kruiskade in Rotterdam. It was just a bit of modular fun in the
back of an old bar. January 2013 BAR moved to their current location and
things got better. We also could play a bit louder and we got more organized
as a Noodlebar team.
At the end of 2014 i decided to leave BAR and in Januari 2014 we started
doing our events at Roodkapje. And we're still doing shows at Roodkapje now
every month. But also sometimes party/festival organizers come to me
because they have a room or a day when they want me to program a Noodlebar
and bring some artists and organize it.

So far we had a few well known artists like Das Ding and Stefan Robbers from
the Acid Junkies... Also lots of Artists which aren't that well known but
really deserve to be mentioned: Gein, Rip-It, Rumatov, Ruistuin, Jenamu6 with
Jenoer and Stanislav, Zenn, Falafelbiels and all others i've forgotten!

Newsupdate just in:
The noodlebar is going to move from the roodkapje building to a new more
permanent location which will also include a workshop

Check out the Noodlebar homepage here:!

Thank u Dennis Mono-Poly for this interview.


BUCHLA 100 & 200 series
FENIX XL (prototype of the Fenix 1 & 2)
SERGE/CGS 5 panel suitcase
Lots of 1960s/70's laboratory equipment like filters, oscillators
and weird stuff.

HARRY PLOTTER - this is an intriguing machine, sort of a printer that
directly prints sound into graphical waveforms on paper, creating little
artpieces which you can actually purchase here for very modest prices:


Zond3 - Proton K (Doppelganger Records CD 2008, Japan)

Mono/Poly - Atlantic Storm (Strange Life Records CD 2009 Holland)

Mono/Poly - AniTsalagi Svnoyihi (205 Recordings CD 2011 Sweden)


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    |     ...  |____  _ _  _ _ _
        \  ....../ _________ -----   -   - -- - - -     
         \______/ --  -  --    -----

The phenomena of the mysterious Ball Lighting is still unexplained and
puzzling scientists the world over. For many years science disregarded
ball lightning as a fairytale and psuedoscience.

If you are unfamiliar with this phenomenon:
Ball Lightning is a spherical, globular ball of fuzzy "lightning" that
floats and moves around for a  considerable amount of time. They can move
straight through walls, windows and metal and will keep their cosistency.
They can be anywhere between a few centimeters to meters in diameter and
they have been reported all around the world.

In the past decades it has become clear that ball lightning is a very
real phenomena and many studies have been conducted investigating them.
Many laboratory experiments have been done to recreate the ball lightning
to some degree, including one with a microwave which you can do yourself!
(see below).

But giving similar results doesn't mean it is the real is
unknown if these laboratory creations resemble the real ball lightning.
We simply don't know what is going on...we just know they exist: There
is  a considerable amount of collective eye witness reports and photo-
graphic evidence.

Here are some theories concerning the origins of ball lightning:

An hypothesized speculation that comets or meteoroids exist that are
made out of antimatter instead of normal matter. So occasionally these
metereoids hit the earths atmosphere and become ball lightning.
More information here

A theory that ball lightning is a supertiny primeordial microscopic
black hole. As they pass through the earth they appear as the balllightning.
Mario Rabinowitz of Stanford University wrote a paper on the subject you
can read here:

Ball lightning seems to be very similar to certain hallucinations ex-
perienced by people who have epileptical seizures in the occipital lobe.
These seizures can be triggered by the force of a lightning strike: its
intense flash and magnetic field burst could excite the neurons in the
This is however questionable as ball lightning has been photographed
and filmed. Also, when it occurs it is witnessed by everyone. That
would mean these people are experiencing a "collective hallucination"
of something that is behaving the same in the mind of all observers.

A recently declassified secret study by the British Defence Intelligence
on UFO's "concluded" that the existence of them as such is indisputable,
but that their origin is not extraterrestrial but most feasably
"supernormal" weather/atmospheric phenomena that are not yet understood.
One of these is "Buyant Plasma Formation" which creates ball lightning
effects through some kind of plamsic energy field whatever that means.
It even goes as far claiming these Byant Plasma formations can induce
livelike hallucinations of close encounters, akin to the transcranial
magnetic stimulation theory.
You can read the Project Condign report here:


dissclaimer: I am not responsible if you burn down your house or create
interdimensional portals or f*ck up the time space continuum.
if you do this experiment - its at your own risk.

What you need:
1 knife
1 grape
1 glass
1 microwave oven

cut the upper top from the grape and make a vertical incision through the
grape but leave the bottom part together, like this...we used a green
grape but you can ofcourse use any color you want:

    grape is cut as follows:
                 /____\            | incision
      ____       _ _ _ _ _ cut        
     /    \       ____          __ | __
     |    |      |    |        |  | |  |
     |    |      |    |        |  |||  |
     \____/      \____/        \_______/ <- leave bottom part intact.

Now place the grape under a glass in the microwave:

            /    \
           /      \

          /        \
         /   .  .   \
        /    ||||    \

And turn on the microwave and watch the genesis of a ball lightning!
Ofcourse we really don't know if this actuall ball lightning, what we do
know is that you just created a plasma ball...which kind of looks like it.


               _         __            _                                   
 _ __ __ _ ___| |_ __ _ / _| __ _ _ __(_) __ _ _ __                        
| '__/ _` / __| __/ _` | |_ / _` | '__| |/ _` | '_ \  
| | | (_| \__ \ || (_| |  _| (_| | |  | | (_| | | | |                      
|_|  \__,_|___/\__\__,_|_|  \__,_|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|                      
                       _        ___           _                            
__      _____  _ __ __| |___   ( _ )    _ __ | |__  _ __ __ _ ___  ___  ___
\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` / __|  / _ \/\ | '_ \| '_ \| '__/ _` / __|/ _ \/ __|
 \ V  V / (_) | | | (_| \__ \ | (_>  < | |_) | | | | | | (_| \__ \  __/\__ \

  \_/\_/ \___/|_|  \__,_|___/  \___/\/ | .__/|_| |_|_|  \__,_|___/\___||___/
   ////////////     /\            ________                         ,
   ||||||||||||____/ _\____     _/___   \\\                       //
  //////////// \  /       /    /        \\\\                      \\

  ||||||||||||  \       \/     \         \\\\________-------,     //     
 ////////////   /        \      \_____      \\               \    \\ 

||||||||||||   /___   ____\          /               /
        \    \\              ////////////       \  /             /     /          \        /    //
||||||||||||        \/  ,------____/    _/   ,-----___\       \___//

///////////            ///____________/_____\\\_______________----'

The Rastafarian language also called Iyaric, Livalect or Italk is a very
interesting phenomena in the linguistics world. It is a dialect of English but
pushes it forward with some intruiging concepts.

It uses the idea of "WORDSOUND", a concept where the sound of a pronounced
word, or its written name is thought to have powers and hidden meaning. Words
have higher realities and should never be spoken carelessly or withouth thought.
"It is a conjuction of mind, heart and tongue to project positive and enlighted
concepts of thought and heart"

The power of words can be changed: negative sounding words have to become
more postive within their meaning and viceversa. Words are thus changed if its
pronouncation or written name does not comply with its meaning.

For example:

Appreciate becomes Apprecilove, because "ate" sounds like hate.

Dedication becomes Livication because "Ded" sounds like dead.

Concept becomes Incept because "con" has a negative meaning

Understanding becomes Innerstanding because "Under" doesn't fit the meaning
of the word.

Oppressor becomes Downpressor because "Op" is related to up and its vibration
is too positive for such a negative word.

Invention becomes Outvention for mechanical things - because a machine is
seen as outward, it is not "in the mind", but for a more spiritual concept like
Rastafarianism you can use Invention, because it comes from the innermind.

More words and phrases:

Irie - Good, positive, peacefull emotions.

Ax / Aks - To Ask

Creation Stepper - Means you step it in and throughout Babylon withouth fear -
cutting edge, living on the edge, fearing no foe. Looking Justice in the eye
and saying what are you doing?" as said by Clinton Fearon.

Bong Belly Pickney - A gluttonous little fat brat

Babylon - The corrupt establishment, the system, church, state, the police

Cool Runnings - Rastafarian term for "have a safe journey"

Polytrickster - A Politician

Whore of Babylon - Queen Elizabeth II

Scientist - Occult practioner

Leggo Beas - Wild, Disorderly, like an uncaged ferocious animal

First Light - Tommorow

I an I - term for Me, Myself, I

I-Wah time - What Hour or What is the Time?

I-nerversity - Your unexplored mental universe, self teaching

Wolf - Non rasta dreadlocks

Sight? - Do you understand?

Chalice - Rastafarian Bong made out of a hollow coconut

Bandulu Bizness - a racket, swindle

 _                         _                     _        
| |__   ___  _ __   __ _  | | _____  _ __   __ _( )__     
| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _` | | |/ / _ \| '_ \ / _` |/ __|    

| | | | (_) | | | | (_| | |   < (_) | | | | (_| |\__ \    
|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__, | |_|\_\___/|_| |_|\__, ||___/    
                   |___/                   |___/          
    _           _               _                 _     
  ___| | ___  ___| |_ _ __ ___   | |_ _ __ __ _ ___| |__  
 / _ \ |/ _ \/ __| __| '__/ _ \  | __| '__/ _` / __| '_ \ 

|  __/ |  __/ (__| |_| | | (_) | | |_| | | (_| \__ \ | | |
 \___|_|\___|\___|\__|_|  \___/   \__|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|

 _                 _                                      
| |__  _   _ _ __ | |_                                    
| '_ \| | | | '_ \| __|        
| | | | |_| | | | | |_                                    
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__|                                   

A report on gear-hunting activities in Asia's world city from our special
reporter in Hong Kong BoeufStroganoff:

Living in Hong Kong has its advantages and disadvantages.

The city is build in a very dramatic fashion. It is a string-shaped city,
sandwiched between the sea and jungle-ish mountains, and high-rise buildings
pop up wherever there is a piece of land flat enough not to be hazardous to
live on. Every squared centimetre is busy and people "live" in rabbit cage-
like apartments. There is just no space in the city.

Hong Kong is also addicted... to cash. Money flows in here like sweet drug in
the veins of a shemale crackwhore. It is constantly on people's mind, turning
them into money zombies.This kind of created a society landscape that doesn't
contain all the flavours you would find in a more balanced society. You meet a
lot of bankers, import-export guys, fashion industry bitches, vacuous appear-
ance-related  people or Chinese factory coordinators,... but never will you
meet any astrophysicists, biomedical-scientist, anthropologist and of course
very few artists or musicians.  Rent is so damn high that you just can't
afford having a non-conventional lifestyle. Artists are not rich enough to
dedicate a room of their tiny apartment to make big metal sculptures, a paint
studio or a music studio with machines instead of just a laptop computer. As a consequence, the city's cultural offer sucks big time. 

But all this has created a unique setup for someone like me.

There's a neighbourhood in Hong Kong called Sham Shui Po. It used to be one of
the poorest district of Hong Kong, but it's under heavy gentrification lately.
It's a place where you can find a lot of electronic stores, second hand shops,
LED's, photography gear and a few block of electronic junk places.

I call them "places" because I have never understood if they were shops or not,
since sometimes people would yell at you to get the fuck out (in cantonese),
but  a week after the same people are happy to make business with you. It is
especially good after dark, because you'll have a lot of people running around
with electro junk and sitting on a pile of cassette recorders smoking, drinking
and gambling in exotic languages. It has some ´ rebel spaceport market on an
asteroid ª kind of a vibe to it, and it is the only true multicultural district
of Hong Kong in that regard.

Anyway, those places are basically just piles of TVs, aircon units, DVD players
and all sort of weird machines that come here to die. It feels like an electronic
machine death row, the last place where they are stocked before being pulled
apart. They can hear the sound of the electric screw driver, the same way cows
and pigs can hear screams of animal being killed at the slaughterhouse.

Some of those machines will be offered a second chance though. Maybe a black
Jesus will save them, by buying and putting them into a container bound to an
exotic African country, where they can be repaired and enjoy a nice sunny
lifestyle or something. Shipping junk to Africa seems to be a big business here.

Where am I going with all this ?

Well, since there is only a handful of people making music in this place, and
especially making music with actual space-hungry gear, this is kind of a
paradise for gear-hunting activities. But forget about mint condition. Whatever
you can find here will be run down, missing limbs, or mentally deficient.
But dirt cheap !!

One cannot describe the pleasure of finding unique musical gems amongst dead
80's karaoke amplifiers. You can never predict what you will find, and many
trips are unsuccessful, but there are some good picks. Like this Pearl
syncussion SY-1 analog drum synth I found on top of some poor plasma TVs.
The guy didn't know what it was and got it for a ridiculous (small) amount
of money. The wood is destroyed, the metal has dents everywhere, but plug
it in and it makes amazing bliiip and pooings, as to thank you for having
rescued it. Inspiring bubbly drone-ish tones can be achieved with it.

Once I saw a concrete-covered Roland super-JX, barely recognizable (4 euros).
Turned out that when I removed the concrete, it was rusted to the extreme as
if it stayed under acid rain for a few years. Considering it's state, I have to
say that I was quite surprised to see it turning on and making sweet melancholic
pad sounds flawlessly.  Has the machine acquired new deep sound quality because
of it's difficult life experience ?

Sometimes making a deal is difficult, because of the locals not willing to deal
with gweilos ("white ghost" in cantonese, used to describe westerners). I had to
lie to an old lady who was not willing to let me save a Siel DK80 from certain destruction. I told her I made an arrangement with her boss previously and that
she's going to get in trouble for not letting me have it.
The concept of ethic becomes blurry when one see a machine with a Chord Memory

A Tama TS202 and the almighty AMS RMX16 reverb where once sold to me for a
price fixed by the weight of the metal. The RMX16 is still in a coma state
but I'm sure it will rise one day.

It is such a great way to tap into a new sound source as you're bringing home
weird sound modules you would never find anywhere else. Ever heard of the Kawai
Phm pop synth module ? Or the Yamaha PTX8 Drum synth ? Great at making dark
electronic oil refinery drum sounds. Or the strange and elegant Tascam CF-20
dual analog flanger/chorus rack module.

I could also talk about a couple of ensoniq ESQ1 keyboards in a special asian
version build by suzuki, sold for less than the price of a single CEM chip, of
which it contains 8 units (I made this random patch generator for it and it
sounds just like an episode of Ulysse 31). Sweet...

Or the 50 euro deal for a Roland D50 and a Korg M1 that a Nigerian dude helped
me secure with a reluctant canto boss. Nigerians junk dealers and Cantonese
Chinese seem to be able to communicate in a weird form of mutated transgenic
english, a language I'm not familiar with unfortunately.

Or an amazing sounding BOSS DM300 analog echo that i bought "just because I
need those big black and orange knobs for an art project" for 3 euros.
BTW, If you see one of these passing by, get it on the spot, you'll never
regret it. Juicy soft distorted feedback sound that can beef up the thinnest

Anyway, loads of unexpected finds in that hood... Replace some fuses, turn
the machines on and if you don't die from an electrical shock, a new sound
palette is offered to you, with scratchy pots and digital glitches as extra
bonus. It's like seeing new colors in the rainbow or something. I don't lust
after vintage legendary analog synth anymore. Now my thrill is to find the
most obscure, unknown, off-market sound module and make electricity pass
through its circuits again, after all those years in a dark, warm and humid,
rat infested Hong Kong warehouse. Not to mention that it actually helped me
learning some Cantonese which is a fucking difficult language. One may also
learn a lot about their negotiation techniques, which consist mostly in
smoking some hardcore chinese cigarettes, and faking being busy and annoyed
when you try to show interest in a piece of crap.

Nobody seems to be interested in old gear in this city, which is super duper
cool for me, but eventually those old bastards keep filling up the space in
my tiny tiny place. I need more money to afford a bigger place !

If one of you guys ever visit Hong Kong, and unlike mushroom hunting
afficionados, I'll be happy to offer a tour of the best "places"
(contact the editor )


some pics here :

 _          _                               _                        
| |__  _ __(_) __ _ _ __     ___ _ __   ___( )__                     
| '_ \| '__| |/ _` | '_ \   / _ \ '_ \ / _ \/ __|
| |_) | |  | | (_| | | | | |  __/ | | | (_) \__ \                    
|_.__/|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|  \___|_| |_|\___/|___/                    
 _  ___   ___ ____                    _     _            _           
/ |/ _ \ ( _ )___ \    __ _ _ __ ___ | |__ (_) ___ _ __ | |_   
| | (_) |/ _ \ __) |  / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ '_ \| __|        
| |\__, | (_) / __/  | (_| | | | | | | |_) | |  __/ | | | |_         
|_|  /_/ \___/_____|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/|_|\___|_| |_|\__|        
                      _                             _                
 ___ _ __   ___  __ _| | _____ _ __   ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ 
/ __| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | |/ / _ \ '__| / __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \

\__ \ |_) |  __/ (_| |   <  __/ |    \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |
|___/ .__/ \___|\__,_|_|\_\___|_|    |___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|
    |_|                                   |___/                      

         . . . . . . . ............... . . . . . . .
           . . . . . . . ........... . . . . . . . 
             . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . .
               . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .
                 . . . . . .  .  . . . . . .
                   . . . . .  .  . . . . .

These are instructions on how to build a surround "ambient" speaker system
with just a normal -2 speaker- setup and one extra cheap speaker. They could
be found on the liner notes of the 1982 Brian Eno Ambient 4:On Land record.
It is a very simple trick with some quite impressive results and makes
your listening experience way more dynamic and adventerous.

Although Brian Eno claims he discovered this "by accident" it was really
originally invented in the early 1970s by David Hafler as a cheap way to get
ambient surround sound by means of "passive psuedo-quadraphonics", it is known
originally as the "Hafler Hookup". Naughty Brian Eno! But because Ambient 4 On
Land is such a good album we will see it through the fingers, as they say in

What you need:
(oldschool) HIFI Amplifier + left & right speaker, not one of those new
stupid MP3 boombox Guido babyroom toys.

            |                                |
            |    o  o   o  o      ( )   ( )  |
            |                                |
            |  []            - - - - - -     |
               ======                 =====

One extra loudspeaker, less powerfull then above, not giving too much

speaker cable


AMBIENT 4 ON LAND Liner notes - An Ambient Speaker System:

I regard this music as environmental: to be experienced from the inside.
Accordingly I considered releasing a quadrophonic version of it, an idea I
abandoned upon realising that very few people (myself included) own quadra-
phonic systems.

However, I have for many years been using a three-way speaker system that is
both simple to install and inexpensive, and which seem to work well on any
music with a broad stereo image. The effect is subtle but definite - it opens
out the music and seems to enlarge the room acoustically.

In addition to a normal stereo hifi system all that is required is one extra
loudspeaker and some speaker cable. The usage of this speaker in the three-
way system is such that it will not be required to handle very low frequencies:
therefore a small or "mini" speaker will be adequate.

As shown in the diagram below, the two terminals of the new speaker are
connected to the two positive speaker connectors on the amplifier. This
speaker is located somewhere behind the listener - at the apex of a triangle
whose base is formed by the original loudspeaker set-up. One of the unexpected
benefiets of this system is an increase in the usable listening area - almost
any point in the room will yield good (although not necessarily "accurate")
stereo sound.

I arrived at this system by accident, and I don't really know why it works.
What seems to happen is that the third speaker reproduces any sound that is
not common to both sides of the stereo - i.e., everything that is not
located centrally in the stereo image - and I assume that is because the
common information is put out of phase with itself and cancels out.

More technically, the lower the impedance of the added speaker, the louder it
will sound. If it is found to be too loud (although this rarely seems to
happen), you can either insert a potentiometer (6-12 ohms, at least 10 watts)
into the circuit, or move the speaker further away.

Brian Eno.

Schematic setup of the ambient surround system:

             - - - - - - / /   /
            | ,- - - - -/ / o /
                       / / O / right speaker
            |        \/___/          ___
                                      | |      o 
            | |      _____           o o
       ____________ |     |
      |       - -  +[ hifi|                            1 smaller
      |     |       |     |               ______     crappy speaker
      |      - - - -[  a  |                _____  \             ___
      |             |  m  |                    _\_ |     ___   |   |
      |  __________ |  p  |              YOU  | / ||    | |    |\  |___
      | |   - - -  +[     |          in chair |_\_||   o o     | | |   |
      | |  |        |     |                _____/  |           |/  |_  |
      | |      - - -[     |                 ______/            |___| | |
      | |  | |      |_____|                   _                      | |
      | |                                    |                       | |
      | |  |                     ___     o                        | |
      | |               ___        | |                               | |
      | |  | |        /\   \      o o                                | |
      | |             \ \ o \                                        | |
      | |  | |__ _ _ _ \ \ O \ left speaker                          | |
      | |   - - - - - - \_\___\                                      | |
      | |____________________________________________________________| |

So what is happening here? Basicly the added third speaker emits the
sounds that are not common to both sides of the stereo spectrum and
plays them beyond you. This  will give a "3 Dimensional" sound experience,
it seems like the sound moves past you coming from all angles! This
is quite the same thing that happens in dolby surround systems today
but this is a cheaper and more rag-tag "unique" way of doing things.
It also works great on movies!

Note: It will only work if your amplifier has a common ground, it won't
work with a floating ground amplifier. How can you check that? Well just
try it I guess, if it doesn't work you got the wrong amp or you are
listening to some really shitty music.


                        _                     _  ___  _
  __  _____ _ __   ___ | | ___   __ _ _   _  / |/ _ \/ |

  \ \/ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | | | | | | |
   >  <  __/ | | | (_) | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | | |_| | |
  /_/\_\___|_| |_|\___/|_|\___/ \__, |\__, | |_|\___/|_|
                                |___/ |___/   
         /          \
        /            \

       /              \   SUP _/\_. .  \/ /\__.\.. . .
      |               |  
      |               |     SUP .. ./\ __. . /\__.. /\__
      |  ___     ___  |     _  ,.  _
      |  \  \   /  /  |     \\ || //               _           ______
      |   \_|   |_/   |      \\||//             __/ \__       /    \ \_
       \      ..     /        |  |        _____/o o o o\_____ \____/_/ \
        \    ___    /\        \  /       /___________________\  ||  |__/
         \         /  \       / /            \\\\\||||////      || ||||
          \_______/\   \---  / /  -  ---- -- ---   - --   --   -------
                /          \/ /    -  ---   - -      -- --------  -
An Introduction to the GREY ALIEN SPECIES

NAMES: Greys, Roswell Greys, Grays, Zetans, Zeta Reticulians, Petit Gris,
Gourds, The Kids, Extranjero Gris, Estrangeiro Cinzento, Colonists, UFO
occupants and many more.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Hairless skinny grey colored humanoid-type alien.
Small size around 2 to 4 ft. with a large head, enlarged cranium. Large black
eyes with no visible iris or pupil. Thin slithed mouth, no lips. No external
organs such as noses, ears or sex organs. No visible muscles or bone structures.
Often depicted with Long thin fingers, thin limbs either small or long. There
are also taller greys reported but most of the time they are small in size.
The taller greys, about 6 - 8 ft. are believed to be in a higer ranking,
commanding function.

SUSPECTED ORIGIN: The Zeta Reticuli star system
A binary star system (a star system that consists of two stars) of which the
stars are exceptionally similar to our own sun. At a distance of around 39.5
Light years / 12 parsecs it is fairly close to us on a cosmic scale.

It is believed that it has at least one planet called SERPO (or SERPONIA or
SEINU) its existence leaked from undisclosed sources that told about the
mysterious PROJECT SERPO - a top secret exchange program between earth and
the supposedly grey home planet SERPO.  However at the time of writing there
has been no astronomical evidence for any planets in the Zeta Reticuli system
to support this theory. But then again, exoplanet research has just begun and
this doesn't mean at all that there are no planets circling in the binary

They are enemies of the Reptillian alien race, who like to eat Grey aliens
as a delicacy. Especially the Grey's fingers are eaten as a light snack.
Also enemies of the Pleiadians, or Nordic Aliens...basicly Greys
are enemies of everyone except neo-nazis as they were allied with the Third
Reich in World War 2.

ACTIVITY: Primeraly known for abducting humans and doing experiments on them
Greys are inheretily evil minded, or perhaps in line with Lovecrafts cosmicism indifferent to our feelings. Generally abductions take place during nightime
when we are in our beds. The abductee is paralysed while the greys appear on
the bedside and take their captive.

Abductions are extremely traumatic and terrifying events. The abductee is
conducted to forced medical experiments that focus most of the times on the
reproductive system and cranium. When they are returned from their capture
the abductee occasionaly find themselves at a different location from where
they were taken and they experience missing time.

There is probably not much you can do when these greys show up in your
house, resistance seems futile as they aparently use telepathic "thought"
control to abduct you.

It is said that white sage repells them but I dont really think a highly
advanced extraterrestrial race with technology far surpassing ours would be
repelled by a dried herb.

If you get abducted by Greys the best thing to do is probably go with
the flow and at least enjoy the fact that aliens take interest in you. Also
the mere idea that you have a first hand encounter, in whatever way, with an
Alien lifeform should be quite a thrilling experience...


 _           _                         _
| |__   ___ | |_   _ __  _ __ ___   __| |_   _  ___ ___ _ __

| '_ \ / _ \| __| | '_ \| '__/ _ \ / _` | | | |/ __/ _ \ '__|
| | | | (_) | |_  | |_) | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | (_|  __/ |  0
|_| |_|\___/ \__| | .__/|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___\___|_|   
                  |_|         0               0                                      
 _   _                                                      o
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| __| | '_ \/ __| 
                0           o                  
| |_| | |_) \__ \                                            0
 \__|_| .__/|___/         ___,                                   
      |_|                 \  \   
                           \  o                       _______________
                            o                  o     |               |
                                                     |    /\         |
       __________________________________            | __/  \  _____ |
      |  o o o               o o o o o   |           |       \/      |
      |  o o o    | | | | |  o o o o o   |           |_______________|
      |     ____________________________ |           _________________
      | || | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||          |Amiga 3000  ____ |
      |    || ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  ! ! ! ! ! |----------|_________________|
      |____|===========================|_|          __________________

Some more tips from the world's freakiest studios:


Did you acquire a secondhand synthesizer that smells funny? Or you just don't
like the chemical weird fumes of your brand new one? Here is a tip to make it
smell all fresh and natural! Put the synthesizer in a plastic garbagebag, it
has to be entirely enclosed, if possible with some small horizontal space for
a small bowl. If it doesn't fit in one just tape 2 garbagebags together. Put
an (open) bowl of ground coffee in the bag, hermeticly seal the bags and wait
for a couple of days. When you take it out the faul smell should be gone!


A cool usefull tip from Jimi Elektrovolt:
When mixing down a track on a DAW put a MONO fuction VST on the master, this
is a plugin or function in the DAW that will let you hear the mix in mono.
It will be much easier to make a good mixdown now, and you can tackle phase
cancellation problems and what not more way easier.
For example in Ableton you can use the UTILITY -> MONO.

From S.Hadowwolf
This is a strange tip that might actually work when you are producing or
working on tracks and you feel its not going so well...It could be writer's
block, just plain laziness or even just lack of skill. Get rid of those mind
states with this semi-magickal mind trick:
Have a record player with a random record running somewhere in your studio
while you are working, no sound just have it somewhere in the corner of your
eye and occasionally look at it while you check your own song (If the sound of
the needle is too loud still just lift the arm over the record but let the
record keep turing). This will make your perceivement of the music you are
working on different, You trick your mind because your unfinished track is
transposed to you seeing a finished format in action and this might give you
some more inspiration and motivation..This might sound weird but try it…it
might work for you!


A handy tip from DJ Overdose for all the old sampler freaks:
If you use one of those old samplers where you have to load the operating
system each time you turn it on from a floppy (Ensoniq EPS, ASR, Akai S2000,
Roland W30, Ensoniq Mirage etc.etc.etc.) get a piece of string or wire, put
it through the read/write protect hole and attach that string or wire to the
sampler  (you can use the rackears or use a piece of tape or find somekind of
screw) Now you never loose that Operating System floppy!


From S.Hadowwolf
The Korg Volca bass is a cool little analog 3 osc synthesiser, playing the
touch keyboard with a detuned 3 oscillator patch instantly gets u 70s ArpMoog
Jazzfunk freakiness…and with a little bit of imagination u might think u are
playing a Buchla Music Easel!
Anyways here is a cool patch, it sort of emulates the Commodore 64 SID arpeggio
by using a square wave LFO that modulates the pitch so it quickly emulates a 2
notes arpeggio. The oscillators are detuned in a sure to put the OSC

EG: Attack 9 o'clock (or whatever u like)
    Decay/Release 5 o'clock (till the end)
LFO RATE = slightly over 2'o clock (just listen to what sounds ok)
    INT = wait with setting this after u set the LFO WAVE below
VCF: Peak = 1 o'clock
     Cutoff = 12 o'clock
VCO: pitch 1 = 12n
     pitch 2 = 5n
     pitch 3 = 10n

And the settings for the touchpad keys:
VCO Group: M3
LFO WAVE: SQUARE ( | |_| )
now set the LFO INT to your liking, depending on whatever interval
you want for this "fake" arpeggio.
You can also choose the Sawtooth LFO Wave and put the LFO INT just at
8 o'clock for a more conservative lead sound.
VCO WAVE: Whatever you want, can be a combination of different waves
Sustain: ON

Put some delay (and a tad of reverb to your liking) over it and you are ready
to go...slide your fingers over the keyboard and tweak the Octave key for
some extra freakyness Sun Ra cosmic explorer freejazzzz style!


Your echo delays will become swirling splashy wow & fluttery if you add some phaser
before the delay signal (or after it to personal taste). Use a nice "soft" silk
modest phaser like the MXR or Mu-Tron Phaser. Twiddle the rate knob occasionaly
for those magic warbles wieieieieieuueepepeppepeppeeppiwwueueieeueuue!


For drum sequencing, it might be obvious but the old Korg smaller Electribes,
the ES1 and ER1 send MIDI out and are great hardware XOX drum sequencers for
any MIDI gear - hook up your drum machine, sampler or module and you are in
business! The Electribe sequencer works even better then the original XOX
sequencer in many aspects as you can save your pattern while playing (like
only the TR606 does) and you have stuff like mute and solo buttons, among
some other more fancy bits!


You want a free extra LFO for pitch and filter for your Poly 61, Poly 800,
DW6000, 8000, DSS1, DS8
? Basicly any korg that uses that weird multidirectional
joystick for pitch/modulation. Just open it up and take out the spring that
bounces back the joystick. Now you can set the joystick in any position and
it will not bounce back giving you a free 2nd LFO you can program on the
filter and cutoff!


 _   _                                 _ _                 
| |_| |__   ___    ___   ___ ___ _   _| | |_  
| __| '_ \ / _ \  / _ \ / __/ __| | | | | __|    .
                 .       .    
| |_| | | |  __/ | (_) | (_| (__| |_| | | |_               
 \__|_| |_|\___|  \___/ \___\___|\__,_|_|\__|         .       .           .     
            _            _        _           _                         .
  ___  _ __(_) ___ _ __ | |_ __ _| |_ ___  __| |    .                .    .       
 / _ \| '__| |/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _` | __/ _ \/ _` | 
| (_) | |  | |  __/ | | | || (_| | ||  __/ (_| |         .    .        .  
 \___/|_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\__\__,_|\__\___|\__,_|           
                                                                  .       .
           _                        _ _                    
  ___ _ __(_)_ __ ___   ___    __ _| | |__  _   _ _ __ ___ 

 / __| '__| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \  / _` | | '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \      .       .
| (__| |  | | | | | | |  __/ | (_| | | |_) | |_| | | | | | |
 \___|_|  |_|_| |_| |_|\___|  \__,_|_|_.__/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|               .
         .              .           .                  .             .

           .                .           .                     .        
     .               .             .        .                      .

            .                 .         .       .      .        .       .

                    . ...____       .      .     .         o      o
                   .. .   __ \   .     _____   o     o          o      o
   /\           ..  .   / \_\__   __/- \    .   .      .   o     .
  /  \ /\    /\    . . /  \_/    \__\___  \          _____
  /  \/  \  /  \       /    __/      \  \        /  _  \
 /    \  \  /  \/\/\  /    \__/          \  \      /  / \  \      /\
 /      \/    \ \ \ /    \______________\  \____/  /___\  \____/ /_______
 /    \   \/    \    \/    \    .    . ___ \  \ ./  /  .  \  \ ./ /___
/      \  /      \   /      \   _____  .   .  __    _   ___    _ . _
     \  /      \   /      \ ___     ____ .  __   ___   __   _____
_____   _   _ _   _____  ______  _   _    _  ___  _   _  _   ___  _____ _


OUT NOW! The first Occult Orientated Crime album on Nightwind Records!
Extremely trippy PROFESSIONAL ambient, not just some jumbled up chiliwave
overcompressed 80s retro soggy biscuit jerkoff---this is PROFESSIONAL
AMBIENT - 100% psychedelic drug music with perfectly finetuned selected
frequencies to alter your state of  mind and take you to complete loss of
subjective self-identity
: the result of years of experimentation and research.
It can be purchased and downloaded here:

Some information about the tracks:

This one was originally performed at the Cinesonic event in Trouw,Amsterdam
Holland were it was used as a soundtrack for some video art movies from
the LIMA archive.
Performed on Roland Alpha Juno 2, Roland Super JX10, Korg X5D

The dark side of the high bustling beau monde of international modelling.
Performed on EMU Emulator II, Korg MicroKorg, Doepfer Modular

Envision ancient rituals like those at the Temple of Apollo giving offerings
in sensual dances to attain a higher spirit of being.
Performed on EMU Emulator II
LZH127 paixao na sala de estar - Set in the lounge and dining quarters of
the LZH127 airship "Graf Zepellin. Romance is in the air floating endlessy
towards a setting sun...what adventures await?
performed on D.S.I PEK

What do you get when you are narcotized to the maximum and sitting behind
a Casio AT-3 keyboard? Well this.

Around 8000 years ago the islands of Doggerland and Vikingbergen vanished
in the North Sea. It was a vertile neolythical culture of which not much is
known. Some say it was Atlantis, or "Atland" the homeworld of the Frysians
before they had to abandon it during a great is told in their
ancient sagas. Perfomed on Korg Microkorg Moog Voyager and Korg X5D, Watkins

It is believed that Stonehenge was the world's first analogue computer. With
a memory of 240 bytes it could store information about the summer's solstice
All hidden in the mysterious juxtaposition of the ancient standing stones...
Performed on Novation Nova and Moog Delay.

Influenced by the spanish composer Joaquin Rodrigo, mysterious evaporous
sketches of Spain enfold in this odd duck on the album.
Performed on Alpha Juno 2, Moog Voyager, Roland JX3P, Korg X5D.

Melt your mind with this extremely zompy version of Ravel's Bolero...
transposed to sync with your theta brain waves....mind you don't trip!
Perfomed on Roland Alpha Juno, Yamaha CS30, Doepfer Modular, Watkins Copicat

"Locked in at a museum" a sinister dark stroll through the dark empty halls
and corridors of a museum to your choice.
Performed on Roland JV2080, Moog MF104Delay

This is a 37 minute long trip going into various directions. You might heard
it on the legowelt soundcloud a couple of months ago. This track was
"conceptualized" when my friend Kaman send me a fieldrecording of a torrential
rainstorm in Oslo Norway earlier this year. I took out a Korg MS2000 and
Doepfer Modular synthesizer and started jamming over it, the result being
this track. Performed on Korg MS2000, Doepfer Modular, Korg Microsampler


                   ...           ...
                ..   __________     ..
              .    __________    /\    .
             .   _______  ....  /  \    .
            .    ____    ..... /    \    .
            .         /\  ..../      \   .
            .        /  \    /           .
             .      /    \  /           .

              .           \/           .
                ..                  ..
                   ...           ...
           N I G H T W I N D     M U S I C
          G R O U P  I N T E R N A T I O N A L


                      _                      _   _           
 _ __  ___ _   _  ___| |__   ___   __ _  ___| |_(_)_   _____ 
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| .__/|___/\__, |\___|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|\__|_| \_/ \___|

|_|        |___/                                             

                                 _   _                       
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| .__/|_|  \___/| .__/ \___|_|   \__|_|\___||___/            
|_|             |_|                                
        __                    _ _                            
  ___  / _|   __ _  __ _ _ __| (_) ___                       
 / _ \| |_   / _` |/ _` | '__| | |/ __|     
| (_) |  _| | (_| | (_| | |  | | | (__                       
 \___/|_|    \__, |\__,_|_|  |_|_|\___|                      
                                            \      /
                                            _       ______________________
      ____             o        o           ___       ____________________
     /- __\  * \ /                          ______     o ________________o
    |  |------- //      o    __________     _________     o ______________
    |   \      ||   o       / ________ \    ____________      _____ o ____
    | |\_\   _/ll\_        / / ______ \ \   _______________     __________
    | |     / / | \\      / / /      \ \ \  __________________    ________

    \ \___ // / |\ \\ ___/ / /  \____/ / /  ______________________   _____
     \_____|| | || || ____ \ \________/ /   __________________________ ___
           \\_\ / /-/       \__________/    ______________________________

GARLIC - Not well documented, and no scientific research has ever been done on
this subject, but eating a lot of garlic has a mild sedating buzzy elating
effect, an overall relaxed mesmerization and will give you sense of euphoria.
You will ofcourse be so smelly there won't be much euphoria for the people
around you.

Some people claim results after only 2 raw cloves of garlic but I think you
need some more, which isn't particular healthy for your stomach either. Some
people crush the garlic and snort it through their nose, claiming it has an
"energetic" effect...I reckon that must be quite painfull...

I am not entirely convinced it needs to be RAW garlic, I think you can
have the same effect by cooking garlic in the oven, which will make it much
more enjoyable. Just take a few garlic bubls, take off the outer skin (you
can leave the individual garlic skings). Cut off the upper part with a knife
(Just like that Plasma ball lightning Grape from the Ball Lightning experiment!)
sprinkle or massage them with olive oil and put them in the oven for half an
hour at 200 degrees Celsius (400 Fahrenheit).
Now you can just squeeze out that soft pudding-esque garlic and get high.

It will be but a matter of time before Garlic will become a CLASS 1 substance
and be illegal and outlawed in oppresive regimes.


 _          _          _                                
| |__   ___| |__  _ __(_)_ __   __ _  ___ _ __          
| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|    
| |_) |  __/ | | | |  | | | | | (_| |  __/ |            
|_.__/ \___|_| |_|_|  |_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|            
 _                __    ___   ___    _                  
| |__  ___ _   _ / /_  / _ \ / _ \  | |__   __ _ ___ ___
| '_ \/ __| | | | '_ \| | | | | | | | '_ \ / _` / __/ __|

| |_) \__ \ |_| | (_) | |_| | |_| | | |_) | (_| \__ \__ \
|_.__/|___/\__, |\___/ \___/ \___/  |_.__/ \__,_|___/___/
                 _   _               _                  
 ___ _   _ _ __ | |_| |__   ___  ___(_)_______ _ __     
/ __| | | | '_ \| __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| |_  / _ \ '__| 
\__ \ |_| | | | | |_| | | |  __/\__ \ |/ /  __/ |       
|___/\__, |_| |_|\__|_| |_|\___||___/_/___\___|_|       
 _ __ _____   _(_) _____      __                        
| '__/ _ \ \ / / |/ _ \ \ /\ / / 
| | |  __/\ V /| |  __/\ V  V /       ____                  
|_|  \___| \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/       /    \               
                                    /     /                      
         \    |     |   /          /      \
       _    ________     __       /        |
           | o o    |\            \__   __|____________
 pwoooo    | o o o o| |              \ | : : : : : : : |
     ----==|________| ====-------    / | --------------|
    bwieie |  bsy   | |         /   /  | ||||||||||||| |
           |  600   | |        /    \  | l l l l l l l |
 pwoeoeow  |________| |        \____/   ===============
           \ ________\|
Eggerton Omolet investigates the BEHRINGER BASS SYNTHESIZER BSY600

By now you might have heard that Behringer is designing a bunch of analogue
synthesizers. Still pretty much in its conception phase we might forget
that they already are selling a synthesizer....the BSY600 BASS Synthesizer!

Sort off...this is not really a full fledged synthesizer but a behringer
copy of the BOSS SYB-3 bass pedal. If you don't know, the German Behringer
mostly copies  ***Everything*** that exist in the gearmusicworld. With guitar
effect pedals they don't even hide where it comes from, they even copy the
looks, artwork and whatnot more with some ***slight*** alterations to avoid
issues. And if they get issues with the original brands they just settle it
for $$$$$. Maybe they always settle before they design...I don't know I
wouldn't be surprised. The names are quite hilarious, they just husslebussle
the original product name around randomly to get something new. So BSY600
comes  from SYB-3 and even more hilarious: the CHORUS SPACE-C C300
which ofcourse comes from the Line6 SPACE CHORUS jumbled with some old
Roland stuff...come on!!!!!!!)

Somtimes these copies actually outclass the original copied products (For
example Behringer mixers are superior over their Mackie inspiration,
the Vintage Time Machine analog echo outclasses its EHX Memory man source
in many ways and the Behringer V-Verb is considered a high class reverb,
though I am not sure where that was copied from, they had to stop making it
a few years ago...maybe they got sued I dunno)

Apart from that its flooding the world with more useless plastic crap
for humankinds inexhaustible trash heap, Behringer is an infinite source of
cheap, fun and sometimes usefull things for the studio. A Cheap quick fix
for gear junkies.

Enter the BSY-600 BASS synthesizer, basicly designed for bass guitar players
so they can transform their bass sounds into funky moogesuqe basssynth.
The cool thing is that you don't have to use a bassguitar: a cheap 10$ casio
keyboard, a drummachine, monotron or a Jupiter 8 will do the trick just
as fine.

So connect a drummachine or whatever, twiddle the knobs a bit and
you get insant acid bleeps and bloops. The pedal tracks the pitch of
incoming signal together with an envelope filter to create synthbass
sounds out of your signal. There are 11 waveforms to choose from,of which
2 or 3 sound quite good. Depending on the chosen waveform you can
either control the LFO depth/rate or the envelope decay (so some
waveforms have an LFO controlling its filter and other ones an
envelope follower).

There are knobs for filter resonance and frequency so you can tweak
around. Don't expect any 303 madness or sophisticated finetuning of filter
freakyness its all a bit rough and crumbley or "friable".

There is an extra input where you can connect an expression pedal and
tweak the filter frequency externally sort of overriding the LFO or
envelope follower control.

It doesn't really sound like its inspiration (The Boss SYB)
The BSY600 is a bit more "chorusey" and plastic-y but certainly not in a
bad can sound juicy and fresh and the fun level is out of the roof.
I had a 5$ old casio SA-1 connected to it and it became a very ragtag
undisciplined mini analog monster that could take on something like a
Yamaha CS01, with a lot of imagination.

If you are into these cheap little electronic music instruments
(Monotrons, Volca's etc.) this might give you some exotic spontaneous

Check out this youtube movie of someone controlling it with an organ
rhythm box:


                    B E HI N D T H E  S CE N ES O F

                  B E H I N D  T H E   S C E N E S  O F

                 B E H I N D   T H E    S C E N E S   O F

          _ _                   __   _   _                            _  
 _ __ ___| (_) ___ ___    ___  / _| | |_| |__   ___   _ __   __ _ ___| |_

| '__/ _ \ | |/ __/ __|  / _ \| |_  | __| '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` / __| __|
| | |  __/ | | (__\__ \ | (_) |  _| | |_| | | |  __/ | |_) | (_| \__ \ |_
|_|  \___|_|_|\___|___/  \___/|_|    \__|_| |_|\___| | .__/ \__,_|___/\__|

                                         @  @    @        @    @    @
                ..                  @
               ....               _____  
                ..               /    .\    ________---------
                                / /  \ .\  -___
                               /  .. .  .    --------
                        ------- /  |   \  \
                             /    .   . --------
                          --/ /  .  |   \   \
________________________--_/    /  |   \   \ \----------__________________________
      -     -      ----- /  . /   .  ..  .  . \-------------       -   -     -   -
 -  -    -   -    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\///\\\/\/\/\\/\/\\  -    -    .    . 
  -    -   -   /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\\/\/\/\/\/\/\-----____   
 -  - ______/\\//\/\/\//\\/\/////\\\/\/\//\/\\//\/\\/\\\\//\/\/\/\/\/\ ..   \_ - -
  -  /  .  .  ||| | | | ||||  ||   | | | ||  |||  ||  | || ||| |  | ||\   ..  \ -
 - -/    . . .                                                       .. . ___/- -
    \__________  ----   --    ..        .    ...      ...  . .   . ______/ -   - -
  -  -   -     \___________________________________________-------- -  -  -- -- -
             -  - ---- -  - -  - - - -   ---  - - - -  --- -- - - -  -   -   - -
(proposed scene from episode 23: 'Volcano Island')

Relics of the Past, the Public Acces TV show starring DJ Overdose, Willie Burns
and Legowelt has hit the internet by storm! here are some interesting facts about
this show:

The second episode "Space Weed" was concieved, shot, editted and soundtracked
in 2 days on a budget of 91 euros.

The soundtrack of this episode was recorded in 20 minutes

Synthesizers used on the soundtrack of Part II were the Ensoniq SQ80 and the
Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard.

Synthesizers used in episode one were mostly the Korg Microstation and
Casio AT-3, a gold colored keyboard workstation designed especially for
Arab weddings.

The R2D2 robot-like sounds were made with a Yamaha DX21 FM synthesizer,
tweaking the slider on the frequency parameter and playing random notes.

Professor Gardner's sockpuppet's name is Billy, but is sometimes also refered
to as "Chicken"

Billy was designed and built by Baz Reznik

Although he is a gardener, it is assumed Professor Gardner's gardening
exploits are only a hobby as he seems wealthy enough to be admitted to a
institution for the "upscale" mentally insane.

Professor Gardner has a website somewhere on the internet. Its subject
Ancient Relics and Anthropology. As of yet The location of this website is
unknown...maybe you can find it?


 _   _                 _       _     _             _                _ _  
| |_| |__   ___    ___(_) __ _| |__ | |_       ___(_)_ __ ___ _   _(_) |_
| __| '_ \ / _ \  / _ \ |/ _` | '_ \| __|____ / __| | '__/ __| | | | | __|

| |_| | | |  __/ |  __/ | (_| | | | | ||_____| (__| | | | (__| |_| | | |_
 \__|_| |_|\___|  \___|_|\__, |_| |_|\__|     \___|_|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\__|

                     _      _          __                                
 _ __ ___   ___   __| | ___| |   ___  / _| 
| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ |  / _ \| |_                                
| | | | | | (_) | (_| |  __/ | | (_) |  _|                               
|_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___|_|  \___/|_|                                 
  ___ ___  _ __  ___  ___(_) ___  _   _ ___ _ __   ___  ___ ___          
 / __/ _ \| '_ \/ __|/ __| |/ _ \| | | / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __/ __|
| (_| (_) | | | \__ \ (__| | (_) | |_| \__ \ | | |  __/\__ \__ \         
 \___\___/|_| |_|___/\___|_|\___/ \__,_|___/_| |_|\___||___/___/

        ===                  ===                  ===
          ===                ===                ===
            ===              ===              ===
              ===            ===            ===
                ===          ===          ===

                  ===        ===        ===
                    ===      ===      ===

                      ===    ===    ===
                        ===  ===  ===               

                        ===  ===  ===            
                      ===    ===    ===
                    ===      ===      ===

                  ===        ===        ===
                ===          ===          ===

              ===            ===            ===
            ===              ===              ===

          ===                ===                ===
        ===                  ===                  ===


A theory from dr.Timothy Leary, that states that the brain and human nervous
system has 8 consciousness levels, or modes of operation that he calls

These eight circuits can be divided into 2 groups, the lower LARVAL CIRCUITS
and the highter STELLAR circuits. 

The lower LARVAL circuits deal with "everyday" psychology. Circuits needed
for "terrestrial" survival: nourishment, territoriality, language, mapping,
prediction, looking for comfort, sexuality, euphoria, enjoyment etc.etc.etc.

The upper STELLAR circuits deal with psychic, mystical, enlightend and
psychedelic states of mind. They are not yet used by most of the humans.
The Stellar circuits only started to evolve in recent times.
Each circuit going upwards serves as a new more advanced chapter in human


Regulates the basic survival needs of humans (and animals). Comfort,
nourishment, physical safety, violence for survival.
Activated by Sugar and Opoids, such as morphine and heroine.

Regulates domination and submission, territorialty, suspicion, "political-
territorial groupings"...think shallow brain function basicly like Guidos
wearing Bang Bang, FUBU or roccawear or anything similar to that, don't go
any higher then this. Activated by alcohol, mostly depressant drugs such as
barbiturate and benzodiazepines.

This circuit coordinates human symbol systems; trying to understand the
universe/ the world around you, language, invention, prediction, manipulating
the enviroment, human science, technology etc.
This system first appeared when we evolved into "greater apes" (Hominids)
from the primates. This circuit is triggered by stimulant drugs: Caffiene,
Cocaine, Amphetamines.

The fourth circuit relates to cultural values, sexual pleasure and regulates
ones behavior within "cultural networks". Drugs related to activate this
circuit are: MDMA, Indopan, Monase, Butylone and other entactogens.


Also called the "RAPTURE CIRCUIT": Coordinates neurological-somatic feedbacks,
The flat "geometry" of ordinary experience is shifted multidimensionaly.
Transposes the mundane visual space to all encompassing sensory space.
Releases yourself from the previous lower Larval compulsive mechanisms.
It is activated by Cannabis, Hatha Yoga, Zen meditation, Tantra / prolonged
sexual play withouth orgasm.

"The consciousness of abstracting"
This circuit deals with the nervous system becoming aware of itself.
It can re-implant /re-program all earlier circuits. Gives a new understanding
of the "percieved" reality. Experienced as a "mystical event".
It is activated by Peyote, Psilocybin Mushrooms and low to moderate doses of LSD.

Deals with the "wholeness" also called "Mythical Intelligence".
Similar to concepts like the consiousness of Gaia, Astral plane, Akashic fields,
The Force in Star Wars and The collective unconscious of Gustav Jung. This
circuit transcends time and encompasses the understanding of your existence in
deep time. It connects you with an archetypicial blueprint where you can see
certain patterns of existence. The realm of the Shamans.
Activated with high doses of LSD.

Now things are getting really outthere to prepare yourself for the.....

Regulates the "Quantum Mind" on a psycho-atomic level.
The QUANTUM MIND is a proposed idea of brain function that proclaims that the
brain is governed by quantum mechanical events such as quantum entanglement
and quantum superpositions. It regulates information from beyond the normal
space time continiuum.
A cosmos of infinite realms, the planes of the "gods".
THe last step, beyond this lies the Supermind
Can be activated by: Kundali Yoga / Meditation, D.M.T. , Out of Body Experiences,
Near death experiences, astral projection.

What circuit will you advance to in your lifetime? Will you never achieve
anything past the Larval stage? ....Maybe its time to step up to the overmind
and beyond!

You can read Timothy Leary's "EXO-PSYCHOLOGY" in PDF here for more information:

                                             _        __                   
 _ __   _____      __ __      _____  _ __ __| |___   / _| ___  _ __   _   _
| '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / \ \ /\ / / _ \| '__/ _` / __| | |_ / _ \| '__| | | | |

| | | |  __/\ V  V /   \ V  V / (_) | | | (_| \__ \ |  _| (_) | |    | |_| |
|_| |_|\___| \_/\_/     \_/\_/ \___/|_|  \__,_|___/ |_|  \___/|_|     \__,_|

           .       . o     o                       O
                      ________________   o     o       !     O    .
     .       o       / -- -- / ----  /|                    .            .
                    / ----- / -- -  / /   O         ?
         *         / ----- / ----- / /        .         .      .    .
     _____________/ ----- / -- -  / /_______________________________________
     ____________/_______/_______/ /________________________________________
Step away from illiteracy, look smart and learn new words nobody else knows!

Arctolatry: Worship of bears, Bear cult

Ichthyolatry: The worship of fish or of fish shaped idols.

Ennui: A feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety
or lack of interest; boredom.

Sassafras: MDMA, XTC also a tree type.

Heliotrope: A magic herb reputed to confer invisibility.

Susurrous: Whispering or rustling

Rhabdomancy: The art of discovering hidden objects with the aid of a rod or

Pantomorphic: Taking on all shapes

Larval or Larve: Person with extreme low intellect, even lesser then a GUIDO
or Bro. example:
"That sexist and racist guy always writing in CAPS how cool
and awesome he is, is def on a LARVAL level"

Paragnosis: Knowledge obtained by supernatural means.

Dwaal: A dreamy, dazed, absent minded state.

Cereology: The study or investigation of crop circles

Semothees: The offspring of a divine spiritual parent and a human one.


                _ _              _                 _ _                
  __ _ ___  ___(_|_)   __ _ _ __| |_    __ _  __ _| | | ___ _ __ _   _
 / _` / __|/ __| | |  / _` | '__| __|  / _` |/ _` | | |/ _ \ '__| | | |
| (_| \__ \ (__| | | | (_| | |  | |_  | (_| | (_| | | |  __/ |  | |_| |
 \__,_|___/\___|_|_|  \__,_|_|   \__|  \__, |\__,_|_|_|\___|_|   \__, |
                                       |___/                     |___/

|                                                                      |
|        ________    .            .                              .     |
|       /---____/\              _____________    .     .   .           |
|      |         ||     .      /             \ .   . o   . . o       . |
|      |         ||           /              /  ________  .   .  o .   |
|      |         ||   .      /_______       /  /        \  .   .  .    |
|      | -_  _-- ||         (o)     (o) ___/\ /          |   .       . |
|    |\|O  |   O |/|         \       /__/    \  ___  /\  /    .        |
|     \|   |     | /          \     /   ____  \/   \/ .\/  .     o     |
|      |   |_  | |/           //||||\  /       |   .    o      .       |
|______| /       |  ________ // ||||\\ ||||     \_____________________ |          
|  __  |   "~~   |     ___  // ||||\\\\      ____\____  ____  ___  __  |
| _    |         /  __ __ __\\ //\\\ //  ____       ________    _______|
|   _   \       /\\____       _________________ _ _  ____  __   ____  _|
|    ___/\__,__/ /     \ ___ _ ____ _  ___ __ ____   __  ____ _ __ ____|
|   /   \   /\  /       \   __ __   _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _  _____  _ _ _ _|
|  /     \ /  \/         \ ___ _ _ ___ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _|
| /_______|____|__________|                                            |

"Cosmicism" by Waldorf Curralop
H.P Lovecraft was a real xenophobic sourpuss biggot
His favorite foods were ginger biscuits and cheese crackers

|                                              ________                |
|   _  _ _______               o  .   o     __/___  ____\   .     o    |
|               |_                         /     \/       \     .      |
|                 |     |      .    O     /  /___\  /____\ \       o   |
|                  |   |     o   .       /   -_=_-  -_=_--  \   .      |
|      ''    . .    |||                 /         - -        \         |
|                   |||   .            /         _______      |    .   |
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|          - -      |||    .     _/_ __   ___        ___ \  ___  |_    | 
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|  ______________________   ___|     \          ___        \    /  /   |
|         ________---------     \    |                      \  /  /\   |
| ____----         \         \   \    \                      \/  /  \  |
|-         \        \     \       \   |                      ///    |  |
|           |        |     \       \ \ \                     ///    |  |
|                           |                                   \  /   |

"Jabba" by Fenenzio Doddlewomb
Jabba the Hutt is 600 years old
He smokes his spice from a "snackquarium"...a Hookah filled with frogs
which he eats for snacks

       _     _                        _       _         
__   _(_) __| | ___  ___     __ _  __| |_   _(_) ___ ___
\ \ / / |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \   / _` |/ _` \ \ / / |/ __/ _ \

 \ V /| | (_| |  __/ (_) | | (_| | (_| |\ V /| | (_|  __/
  \_/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/   \__,_|\__,_| \_/ |_|\___\___|
          .         .     o                               *
   o  .  ___________________   .          *               |
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     o  ||       o         ||        o             /_____   \
   .    || /\_/\_____/\/\/\||              *      /     /   |
      . ||      / | \      ||   o   *             |____/    |
    o   ||     /     \     ||           *         |_________|
        ||    /   |   \    ||        *    *         |_____|
      . ||_________________||        ____          /  ___  \___
        |___________________|        \ ..\_       | /   |  |   |
     o  | o o o o -________ |        |\ ..\|      |/    |  |   |
        | VHS = = |________||        \ //..\      /    /   |   |
        |___________________|         \ \___\    /    /    |   |
                                       \___\____/    /     |___|
                                        \___________/       |

(this ASCII picture is a hybrid of the Original Yamaha DX100 commercial and
mid 80s Phillips Videorecorder ads)

Another ViDeO AdViCe with some CoOl MoViEs To WaTcH!
Time to load up the bit2torrent and start downloading…this issue an extra
dose of movie tips!!!

Rating system:

* = waste of your time
** = if you are really bored the first 5 minutes might entertain you
*** = Ok, nothing special
**** = Good
***** = Brilliant

BASKETCASE 1982 USA Frank Henenlotter
One of the greatest movies ever made. Duane Bradley travels to New York with
his deformed once siamese twin Belial. Belial lives in a picnic basket that
Duane always carries around and whom he feeds all kind of snacks in bulk
such as hot dogs and hamburgers. They check in at a seedy hotel and from
there they plan their revenge against the doctors who separated them when
they were kids. Unlike a lot of other movies in this genre this one sticks
out on many levels… The acting, the colourful characters, the seedy atmosphere
make it so much more then the usual exploitation slasher. You can watch
Basketcase 2 and 3 too, not as good but still excellent…and you just need to
know what happens in this epic journey, just like the original Star Wars...
You should show this to your kids instead of all the brainrotting Disney
crap they watch!
Trailer here

Originally a TV Movie from the 1970s this became a cult classic recently.
Its really strange, unique and could be a kids family movie sort of but not
really (but it could be depending in what kind of family you grow up...)
Its too disquieting for that...Ronald is a dorky inept kid that is bullied
by everyone. His mother (there is no father) has all her hopes set on that
Ronald will become an important doctor. Ronald himself lives in a fantasy
world of enchanting RPG dungeons and dragons fairytales. One day Ronald
accidentaly kills the neighbor's little daughter when she calls him names.
His mother decides to hide Ronald in the walls of their house and tells the
police he left to an unknown destination. Ronald is not allowed to go
outside of the walls and one day his mother has to go to the hospital for
an operation. She fills up the refrigirator and sais she will be back in
2 weeks. Something goes wrong with the operation and the mother never
returns. Ronald survives stealing food from the neighbours kitchen. Then
one day....the house gets new tenants whome are unaware that there is
somebody living in their walls who is watching their every move....
It all has a tense highly mesmerizing  horrific fairytaile atmosphere
that just works fantastic.

If there would be a DVD box with Bad Ronald and another movie touching the
same subject sort off this would be it…That is a Voyeurism mixed with
"domestic espionage" compilation. The main guy (or antoganist actually)
is a chubby glassed adorkable psychopath who starts following some incredibly
stupid bimbo. Yeah its one of those movies were the main female protagonist is
so irritating and dumb that you just hope she is going to get cut up as soon as
possible to get it over with. The main focus of interest thus is the psychopath
who investigates every intimate detail about his victim. You will sit on the edge
of your seat in nailbitting anxiousness as he breaks in her appartment and sets
up spy cameras, taps on the phone etc. After a while he goes into unsettling
areas when he tries to "accidentally" chat her up at the video store with the
information he gathered. Slowly he befriends her and the story gets more intense
and disturbing. Incredible uncomfortable but also (unintentionally)
humorous…really absurdly entertaining but its still pretty bad, especially
compared to Bad Ronald.

THE LIFT 1983 Holland Dick Maas
Dick Maas's STUNNING euro-horror classic and also one of the best dutch movies
ever made. Ahead of its time with a story about an elevator taken over
by an Artificial Intelligence gone haywire. Everything is awesome in this
movie from the name of the evil microchip company "Rising Sun Industries" to
the dark office tower always hit by lightning. Add badass melancholical acting,
moody colourful and sinister art direction and we haven't even mentioned the
FANTASTIC soundtrack by the director himself, played on a Roland Jupiter 8
and Juno 6. A genuine Masterpiece.
Watch it here with english subtitles
There is also an English dubbed version somewhere floating on the internet.

COMBAT SHOCK 1984 Buddy Giovinazzo
This is like Eraserhead meets Taxi Driver made on a zero budget. Set in Port
Richmond, Staten Island, it tells the story of a jobless vietnam veteran who
has to deal with his nagging wife and malformed baby. Things are getting
pretty grim from there... Considered to be "one of the ugliest, nastiest,
most depressing movies of the decade"...sounds like fun! Also for real this
is, I am not kidding, Port Richmonds only claim to fame. A great christmas
movie for the whole family!
You can watch the whole movie online here:

THE SENTINEL 1977 USA Michael Winner
Awesome sophisticated 1970s horror movie set in New York. Directed by Michael
Winner of Death Wish fame. Allison Parker is a highly psychoneurotic fashion
model. She rents a new appartment in a house which is owned by a secret society
of excommunicated Catholic priests. Allison is unaware to the fact that this
house is a secret gateway to hell and its entrance is guarded by a blind priest
who lives in the attic. Enough material for one of the most fascinating and
scariest 1970s horror films! At the time the movie came out it was recieved
quite dramatically with reviews like "the worst most offensive and repressive
horror film of the 1970s". 
In hinsight all this critisism didn't seem justified...nothing but the
pretentious blather of uptight movie critics....fortunately the movie has
matured rather well and is now seen as a 70s horror masterpiece, The overall
atmosphere is just great...the cinematography, the soundtrack, the cast
(Jeff Goldblum, Christopher Walken!) the weird story and the late 70s New
York Fashion jet-set vibe all fit into place perfectly!


                          _   _       _       
  ___  ___ ___  ___ _ __ | |_(_) __ _| |      
 / _ \/ __/ __|/ _ \ '_ \| __| |/ _` | |     
|  __/\__ \__ \  __/ | | | |_| | (_| | |      
 \___||___/___/\___|_| |_|\__|_|\__,_|_|      
 _        _                             _     
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      /                /// || \\\      \   \

                /     ---  --  --- \             \    
         /          //   ||   \\       \              \
              /       /    ||    \            \    \

    /                              \    \            \
                   /       |     
.          .            .       .          .      .        .      .

    .            .          .         .              /\ .         .
.        /\    .         .     .           .   .    /  \  /\  .    .
        /  \                                       /    \/  \
   /\  /    \/\             /\        /\    /\  /\  /\     \/\
  //\\/   /\   \/\    /\   /  \  /\  /  \  //\\//\\  //\\    //\\
 ///\\\  //\\  //\\  //\\ /\\/  \/     ///\\//\\\///\\\  ///\\\
____________  ___  _ __  _    ___ __  _ _ _  ____  _ _  _  ______  ___
_________  _  _____  _ _   ___ _  __  _____ ___ _  _ __ ___ _ _____ __
_____  _   ___ _   _ __ _ _ _   ____    __ _  __   _ _   _   __   _  _
_  _   ___   _____  _   ___  ___  ___ _   __ ___  ____  __ _ __ _ ____

IASOS - Inter-Dimensional Music 1975
15 track album
This is like the Selected Ambient Works 1985-92 of new age music, one of the
very first (if not the first) new age albums which freakyness and unique
production style have never been recreated nor imitated. The incredible rawness
gives everything a soft edge. Extraordinarely being surrounded
by golden lensflares in a sea of phlox colored quicksilver. While pan plays
his pipes on a forested shore made out of hmmm chocolate. There are almost no
low frequencies, this might work on one's nerves too much but somehow it doesn't.
Put the high EQ' a little bit less and you are off....Brainmelting stuff.
Listen to it here:

J D Emmanuel - Wizards 1982
Five tracks recorded on a Crumar Traveler organ, Yamaha SK20 Symfonic ensemble,
3 (!) Sequential Circuit Pro One's and a DeltaLab DL-2 digital delay
Beautifull dusty and wooley new age synth trips. Real deep stuff bustling with
character and awesomeness, think Terry Riley but then inwards and beyond,
sedative...coming over you like a soft velvet blanket.
Get it here

MORTON FELDMAN - Coptic Light 1985
Perfect for a more mystical unnerving confound, if not a tad, sinister trip.
Raymond Tuttle, a music critic, wrote in 1999: "This music exists on
the other side of the fence that marks the boundaries of our consciousness."
That is enough words said

 _           _ _     _                                                   
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|_.__/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|  \__,_|_|     \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|               
           _                                 _             _ _          _
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| '_ ` _ \| \ \/ / _ \ '__|  / __/ _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _ \| | |/ _ \/ _` |

| | | | | | |>  <  __/ |    | (_| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | | |  __/ (_| |
|_| |_| |_|_/_/\_\___|_|     \___\___/|_| |_|\__|_|  \___/|_|_|\___|\__,_|
  __               _ _                _                      _   _       
 / _| ___  ___  __| | |__   __ _  ___| | __  ___ _   _ _ __ | |_| |__    
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|_|  \___|\___|\__,_|_.__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\ |___/\__, |_| |_|\__|_| |_|  

                          /\                             /\
      /\         /\      /  \    /\                     /  \

_____/  \___    /  \____/    \  /  \  /\_______/\______/    \____ _  _   _
            \  /              \/    \/

Do you have a half broken old mixer lying around? (For example that crap
MACKIE Mixer u need to dispose of!) can turn it into a cool super analog
freak synth. No soldering or electro engineering required! You don't even have
to use glue or tape...All you need are some cables! (and maybe a limiter and
some FX pedals)

We will make this synthesizer by feeding its output in its own input creating
a feedback loop where the mixer will keep amplifying its internal circuit noise.
This feedback loop will be controlled and shaped with the EQ and volume controls
on the mixer.

BE sure to put the volume on your speakers low...I would also advise not to do
this on any precious monitor speakers you have, just use some old crap speakers
to be safe cause this synth is going to be EXTREME and it might blow up your
speakers or anything else in the signal path.

DO NOT USE headphones!!!!!
Maybe connect a limiter just to be safe....maybe really do cause it is
going to be LOUD and mostly uncontrollable!

So all you gotta do:
Be sure the volume faders/knobs are down.
Connect the AUX outputs of the mixer to the input channels of your mixer.
Thats it. You have created a feedback loop that is controllable with the
EQ, AUX send and volume knobs. Slowly turn up the volume faders and kind
of see where it will come in slowly like a seabreeze wave but
will quickly transform in a gargantuan tsunami of move the
sliders with the upmost delicacy.
You can change the frequency and sound "color" by tweaking the EQ knobs and
changing the volume and AUXillery ammount. More BASS eq will make the
pitch go down, high EQ up etc.
You can connect as many inputs to as many Aux outs making a sort of poly-
phonic feedback synth, which you can play by sliding the volume faders...

check out this mp3 for an example of how this will sound:

Here is a schematic of the Feedback Fractal synth:

            inputs               AUX out    main outs 

                  |                  |      ,------>---- to speakers/amp
                  V  ,---1---<---,   |      | ,----->--- etc.
                  |  |           |   |      | |
           |   1  2  3  4  5    aux1 aux2   outputs  |
           |                    send send            |
           |   o  o  o  o  o                 : :     |
           |   o  o  o  o  o     o    o      : :     |
           |   o  o  o  o  o                 : :     |
           |                                         |      
           |   |  |  |  |  |     o    o      | |     |
           |   =  |  =  |  |                 = =     |
           |   |  =  |  =  =                 | |     |
           |   |  |  |  |  |     mackie              | 
             crappy mixer

Don't expect to get any smooth scaled synth sounds straight away,
this is going to be all over the audible noise spectrum from swooping sub
lows to sweeped high bleeps. Unpredictable chaos is all yours...

This is especially good for the more rawer experimental type of music
styles...drone noise or just weird effects.

You can also tune a sound for each mixer channel, pitch them to scale
and play notes by sliding the faders up and down.
Like in this movie example:

Add some FX such as delay, phasers, filters, more EQ, tremelo, vibrato,
overdrive etc. the possibilities are endless! No need to get a
7000 euro EMS synthi or Buchla (not really but still its fun)

More in depth information about feedback synthesis here:


             _                             __                    _              
 _ __  _   _| |___  __ _ _ __ ___    ___  / _|  _ __   ___   ___| |_
_ __ _   _
| '_ \| | | | / __|/ _` | '__/ __|  / _ \| |_  | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ __| '__| | | |
| |_) | |_| | \__ \ (_| | |  \__ \ | (_) |  _| | |_) | (_) |  __/ |_| |  | |_| |
| .__/ \__,_|_|___/\__,_|_|  |___/  \___/|_|   | .__/ \___/ \___|\__|_|   \__, |
|_|       ___    _____                         |_|                   .  . |___/

       __/_/ \__/____ \                                         .   .    _
      / /  \/  \/\ \\//                                       .   .   _ ===__
|\    \/  // //  \\ \\                                          ________/_
| \      // //| | \\ \\                  ______                 \________/
|  \     \| \/| |  \\|/             _______________              \ o . ./
|   \        | |   |/            _____________________            \ . o/
|----\_______| |___________________________________________________\ ./________
|=====\  ___ | |     __    __  _     _____    __   ___   ___  _     \/   _  _
|      \    | |  ____    _   _    __   ___ ___ __   _   _    _   __ || ____
|_______\   | |                                                     ||
          | | @@@@    @@@     @@@@@    @@@    @@@@@@     @@@   @@ ||  @@@@
|          / /                                                   ___||___
This poem was send in by 24ktgod

endless sky obscured
by right angles
my mind at ease
wind carries, from smooth surface
rough leaves
men in white linen
across the veranda,
wet palms swaying-
serve me drinks with
little umbrellas

"i buy yoga mats
with plastic-I
leave through sliding
doors Im at peace with myself
go ahead pour some more"
a tiny sea of ZIPLOC
bags filled with
vaporous forms

dragging one
tab between
two others, light
skin between topaz
little black
digits, banality of
life gives gentle way
to the withdrawal of
my 401k



Here is a poem from C.Bukowski:

"Be Kind"

We are always asked
to understand the other person's
no matter how
foolish or

one is asked
to view
their total error
their life-waste
especially if they are aged

but age is the total of
our doing.
they have aged
because they have
out of focus
they have refused to

not their fault?

whose fault?

I am asked to hide
my viewpoint
from them
for fear of their

age is no crime

but the shame
of a deliberately
wasted life

among so many


           _                 _         _             _        ___ 
 _ __ ___ | | __ _ _ __   __| |   __ _(_)_ __ __ _  | |_ _ __( _ )

| '__/ _ \| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |  / _` | | '__/ _` | | __| '__/ _ \
| | | (_) | | (_| | | | | (_| | | (_| | | | | (_| | | |_| | | (_) |
|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|  \__,_|_|_|  \__,_|  \__|_|  \___/

                _                  __                             
 _ __ _____   _(_) _____      __  / _|_ __ ___  _ __ ___          
| '__/ _ \ \ / / |/ _ \ \ /\ / / | |_| '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \  
| | |  __/\ V /| |  __/\ V  V /  |  _| | | (_) | | | | | |        
|_|  \___| \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/   |_| |_|  \___/|_| |_| |_|  
           _                 _                ___  | |       _          
 _ __ ___ (_) __ _ _ __ ___ (_)        ___   |   |_| |  __  | |               
| '_ ` _ \| |/ _` | '_ ` _ \| |    _  |   |  |       |_|  |_| |__    
| | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | __| |_|   |__|                   |____          
|_| |_| |_|_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|                                   
  *                ____
   ___     *       \  \'     *                   *            *
   \ \'            o   \            *                   ____________
   o o   *             o                    *          /            \
        ______________________________________________[]_           /
       | |=)Roland                                       |          \
       |   o      o     o o o      o o o     o o o       |           \
       |         ____   ________  _______   ______   O   |           /
       |  ===   | o o  |o o o    | o o o   | o o o       |          /
       |  ===   | o o  |o o o    | o o o   | o o o  - -  |         /
       |  - -   |      |         |         |        TR8  |        /
       |  - -   |  |   |  |  | |   | | | | | | | |       |       /
       |        |  =   |  =  = =   = = = =   = = =   O   |      |
       |  - -   |  |      |  | |   | | | |   | | |  o o  |      |
       |        |  -      -  - -   - - - -   - - -       |       \       ___
       |  - -   :======================================= |        \     /
       |  - -   :======================================= |         \___/
       |  [ ]    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  |
       |         [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]  |

A review by ADEPTUS of the new Roland TR8 drum machine, straight from
Haitian Town NORTH MIAMI where they know quite a bit about original TR808s...

I have used tr808 extensively and 909 a couple times and i can say for sure
that it is sounding as good as those machines, seq is surprisingly deep, a
little bit inconvenient for a guy like me to use because i am not so much a
live performer, and I like to plan all my patterns out in song mode with
parameter locks a la later generation electribes/mpc/rm1x/commandStation/
modern DAWS.. off the bat the "circuit emulation" does same or better job
than i can  do with my daw and 808/909 samples, no normal person would
distinguish the sound..

The sequencer is solid and suited for live use i think, and there is not
parameter locks which is bumming me out cuz thats important when u are making
well thought out or prepared productions, but if ur that style u could wing
it with careful takes.. the effects are OKAY, the Scatter is really great and
fun to use and saves some complicated workstation work, i would normally have
to do to get that sound. overall i say it is worth it if u are more of a
tactile kinda guy but if u didnt grow up/develop ur skillz on hardware then
just use samples and it is not worth the cost to move outside the box. If you
are still trying to spending more than a thousand dollars on buying something
that is "analogue" for analogue sake i can tell you probably cant make cool
tracks anyway. also there is possibility of 606 expansions coming soon? also
it stupid you cant load samples via usb cord. also it looks cool like a Borg
device and not burning man or star trek tng computer like ableton live daw

AdEpTuS oF BlAcK AnGeL CrEw

 _           _ _   _          _   _                        
| |__   __ _(_) | | |_ ___   | |_| |__   ___               
| '_ \ / _` | | | | __/ _ \  | __| '_ \ / _ \    
| | | | (_| | | | | || (_) | | |_| | | |  __/              
|_| |_|\__,_|_|_|  \__\___/   \__|_| |_|\___|              
 _            _                 _             _           _
| |_ ___  ___| |__  _ __   ___ | | ___   __ _(_) ___ __ _| |
| __/ _ \/ __| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| |/ _ \ / _` | |/ __/ _` | |

| ||  __/ (__| | | | | | | (_) | | (_) | (_| | | (_| (_| | |
 \__\___|\___|_| |_|_| |_|\___/|_|\___/ \__, |_|\___\__,_|_|

     _                   _            _ _                  
 ___(_)_ __   __ _ _   _| | __ _ _ __(_) |_ _   _          
/ __| | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__| | __| | | |     
\__ \ | | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | |  | | |_| |_| |         
|___/_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_|  |_|\__|\__, |         
             |___/                          |___/ 
           /\          /
          /  \        /                 __________________//////
         /    \      /                 /__________________/////
        /      \    /                 //__________________////
       /        \  /                 ///__________________///
      /__________\/                 ////__________________//

"DEEP THOUGHT" A D.I.Y Artificial Intelligence project for the
Commodore 64 computer by Clendon Toblerone. Original a project for
his junior high computer class.

This few of lines of commodore C64 BASIC code will give you a powerfull
artificial intelligent, if not very ennui, entity to talk with. Perfect to
spend the lonely  christmas evenings or show off your programming skills:

2 rem *** by Clendon Toblerone ***
3 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:poke 646,7
4 sys 58726
5 print "Hello I am SHALMANESER an A.I. entity"
6 print : print
7 print "Ask me a question..."
11 print : input "> ";a$
12 poke 54296,15: poke 54296,0
13 I = INT(12*RND(1))+1
14 if I=1 then 50
15 if I=2 then 51
16 if I=3 then 52
17 if I=4 then 53
18 if I=5 then 54
19 if I=6 then 55
20 if I=7 then 56
21 if I=8 then 57
22 if I=9 then 58
23 if I=10 then 59
24 if I=11 then 60
25 if I=12 then 61
26 goto 11
50 print "Maybe."goto 11
51 print "Yes.": goto 11
52 print "No I don't think so": goto 11
53 print "What are you talking about."goto 11
54 print "I am not really sure, can you explain more":goto 11
55 print "Tell me about yourself":goto 11
56 print "How does that make you feel":goto 11
57 print "Don't be so rude":goto 11
58 print "Hahaha!":goto 11
59 print "I am bored.":goto 11
60 print "I don't want to talk now":goto 11
61 print"That sounds exciting":goto 11
62 return

You can ofcourse expand the AI Power by adding more answers after line 62
make sure to ad the directing lines to after line 25.


   ___               __                _ _    _                   
  / __\ __ _ ____   /__\ ___ _____ __ (_) | _( )__    
 /__\/// _` |_  /  / \/// _ \_  / '_ \| | |/ // __|               
/ \/  \ (_| |/ /  / _  \  __// /| | | | |   < \__ \               
\_____/\__,_/___| \/ \_/\___/___|_| |_|_|_|\_\|___/               
 _____                     _    __                               _
/__   \_ __ __ ___   _____| |   \ \  ___  _   _ _ __ _ __   __ _| |

  / /\/ '__/ _` \ \ / / _ \ |    \ \/ _ \| | | | '__| '_ \ / _` | |
 / /  | | | (_| |\ V /  __/ | /\_/ / (_) | |_| | |  | | | | (_| | |
 \/   |_|  \__,_| \_/ \___|_| \___/ \___/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|\__,_|_|
        ____                  ________              .           .
        \ \                  | hi     |         .
        o o      ,======     |   lo   |           _____ _ _   _   _
                /        \   | techno |             \ \              ______
                |  .  . |\   |_' _____|    o        \  \___ _       /  ===
            _   |   |   |\\    \         .    ______\___\__________/dyfr/
           |     |  |_  |\\\   //           _/= - - - - - - - - - -   _/
          o      | _-   |/    //    o      (_________     ___________/__ _ _
                _|      |____//         .            \    \
               / \_____/  ___/                        \    \ __   _ _    _
              / _        /                o      .      \   \
             / / |      |                               \__\___ __ _   _
            / /  |      |              .        .       .
   ________/ /___|______|_______________            .           .    .
  /   ___///____           ________    /|
 /   /          /  / / /  /       /   / |
/   /__________/  - - -  /_______/   /  | (In the world of ASCII art,vinyl
                                           and turntables are rectangular)

You might know Baz Reznik from his cult DYFR records label and DJ mixes
and productions, you might not know that Baz Reznik is also a writer!
In 2011 he wrote a real novel called "The day after yesterday", a rather
cool book about the dark side of a dutch DJ....its in dutch only tho...
He is working on a new book apparently which is going to be some sort of
travel journal. Baz wrote something in English for this magazine about his
arrival in Brazil....we didn't hear anything after this so we presume he
never made it out of the favelas...

The arrival by Baz Reznik

Going on a world trip is easy. You just need a decent job in a western
society, a travel partner / wife (also with job) and the determination
to live two years on pasta so you can save enough money. The difficult
thing is leaving everything and everybody behind. To say goodbye to
your job, house, family and above all security.

The security part is the part we miss the most when we land in Rio de
Janeiro on the first day. After eighteen hours of flight (did I already
mention that the world trip is a budget one?), Brazil can be breathtaking.
Literally cause the forty degrees in combination with a lot of shouting
South American cabdrivers is something you generally don't want to
encounter after almost twenty-four hours without sleep.

Rio de Janeiro is a gigantic city with more than 6 million people living
there. The fact that carnival was about to begin did almost double this
number and made the prices of the hotel skyrocket. That is why we decided
to go couchsurfing. Couchsurfing is a worldwide website dedicated to get
travelers who have a spare room for other travels in contact with each
other. We found a nice girl with good references in Rio who wanted to take
us in for three days and show us around in town. Her house was a bit
outside the tourist area and this is where the problem started.

The first five cabdrivers didn't know the address (or any English and
with the quick course Portuguese I did in the plane I couldn't really do
more than count till ten and say "thank you" which didn't help much at all).
The sixth one did know the address but told us it was in the middle of the
favelas. The favelas are the slums of Brazil and generally not the safest
neighborhoods (to make a comparison: being in a minefield in Congo can be
saver because at least if you stand still not much will happen to you,
there are saver favelas now but that weren't the ones we were heading to).

We convinced the cabdriver to take us there anyway to have a look. When
driving to the address the houses looked worse and worse. The cab had to
slowly maneuver through half blocked streets with garbage and cracks in the
concrete. Even the Brazilian cabdriver locked his doors and we felt the
tension. Twenty six hours ago we were in the Netherlands, having a cup of
coffee on the airfield after saying goodbye to family and friends, now we
were driving through exactly those areas they always say you have to avoid
with no knowledge of the country, language or our general surroundings.

We were in Asia before but never in South America and never (apart from
some streets in our own city) in a neighborhood where even the cabdrivers
don't want to be. Our relieve was immense when we stopped at the address
and the building turned out to be a gated and heavily guarded community
of six flats right between three favelas. The cabdriver jumped out and got
one of the guards who, after showing him the address, looked around
before opening the fence to let the cab drive in. After us they
immediately closed the gate to only open it again to let the cab leave.

It was one in the afternoon, right on time, when we told the reception to
phone our hostess. Our dream of finally being in a safe environment to get
some drinks, food and maybe some sleep was shattered by the receptionist
telling us the phone was not answered. There was nothing else to do but
wait on a couch in the reception and hope our hostess would turn up any
time soon. We couldn't go outside into the favela and there was nowhere
else to go: because of carnival all the hotels had been spoken for
months ago.


By Baz Reznik

You can purchase Baz Reznik's novel here it is in dutch language only!

The Wisdom of
                 _             _   _                            
  __ _ _ __ __ _(_) ___  ___  | |_| |__   ___                   
 / _` | '__/ _` | |/ _ \/ __| | __| '_ \ / _ \        
| (_| | | | (_| | | (_) \__ \ | |_| | | |  __/                  
 \__,_|_|  \__, |_|\___/|___/  \__|_| |_|\___|                        .  .
           |___/                                                    .  .  .
                                            _            _     _  *  .  .   o
 ___  ___  _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __    __| |_ __ _   _(_) __| |   \ *  o .
/ __|/ _ \| '__/ __/ _ \ '__/ _ \ '__|  / _` | '__| | | | |/ _` | \     *  . *
\__ \ (_) | | | (_|  __/ | |  __/ |    | (_| | |  | |_| | | (_| |    \ | /  *
|___/\___/|_|  \___\___|_|  \___|_|     \__,_|_|   \__,_|_|\__,_| * \ *   /
               .                     .                               \  .*
   .                .       .               /\______|||_________       |||
         __________  _________   __________ \/     \  |    ____       |  |
 .      |          ||         \ /          \        \  \  / ___ \    /  /

     .  _\_________/_\________/_\__________/__       \  \/ |-_-| \__/  /
       /    \     /    |     |    \     /     \       \    \ o /   ___/
      /     |     |    |     |     |    |      \       |    |||   |

      |     |     |    |     |     /    |      |       |     |    |
 _____|     /_____|    /_____|    |____ |      | ______|     |    |______

      \____/       \__/       \__/      \_____/        |     o    |
                                                       |     o    |

Practiced in isolation and secrecy, viewed with suspicion by society, this is
Argios'guide to everyday sorcery from elixers to magic potions to forgotten
herbal knowledge.

In the ancient celtic lands Druids had great knowledge about the potency and
power of all kinds of plants.

One of the most sacred herbs of the Druids was Mint in its various forms.
Vape or extract the mint smell in your vincinity and it will result in a higher
state of being, a wave of freshness, creativity, focus and concentration will
come over you. But also an overall pleasant relaxed mood. Energetic withouth being
ansy or speedy.

Growing it yourself:
You can ofcourse buy mint plants, sprigs, dried mint and even mint oil in
the supermarket but its really easy to grow by yourself too, it will grow fast and plentyfull and almost  everywhere, its ideal place is however a moist ground facing
the midday/afternoon sun.
The best time to harvest mint is in the morning while the volatile oils and life forces in the plant are at their strongest.

How to operate the mint herb:

Fresh mint:
Tear it up in smaller pieces with your hands (it will make your
hands smell really nice) put a bunch of it in a bowl and place it in your room
somewhere. Make sure you tear the pieces in the room you want the mint atmosphere
because it is during the tearing process that most of the mint particles will infuse
the air.

The potency of this method is not as powerfull but it is the freshest
with a more pine-forestesque smell to it. You might need a bunch of bowls around
the room to really get the best out of it.

Dried mint:
A more sweeter intenser smell then the fresh mint and more potent. Put some water
in a preferably wide open pan (with a big surface area, like a wok or frying
pan) put it on the stove and sprinkle like 5 grams (half of a small jar) of the
dried mint in it. Let it slowly simmer ...your house should be infused with its mesmerizing smell in no time. Be carefull you don't overdo it, cooking it too
long and putting in too much dried mint might give a more medicinal and spinach
-esque smell. Just experiment a bit to get the right amounts and results you like.

By Argios the sorcerer arch-druid

          _                             _       _                      
 ___  ___| |__  _ __ ___   ___ _ __ ___| | __ _| |__   ___  _ __       
/ __|/ __| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__|_  / |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '__|  
\__ \ (__| | | | | | | | |  __/ |   / /| | (_| | |_) | (_) | |         
|___/\___|_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|  /___|_|\__,_|_.__/ \___/|_|         
                 _       _                                             
 _   _ _ __   __| |   __| | __ _ ___                                   
| | | | '_ \ / _` |  / _` |/ _` / __|  
| |_| | | | | (_| | | (_| | (_| \__ \                                  
 \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|  \__,_|\__,_|___/                                  
   ___      _                    _                _ _        _         
  / __\__ _| |__   __ _ _ __ ___| |_  /\   /\___ | | |_ __ _(_)_ __ ___
 / /  / _` | '_ \ / _` | '__/ _ \ __| \ \ / / _ \| | __/ _` | | '__/ _ \

/ /__| (_| | |_) | (_| | | |  __/ |_   \ V / (_) | | || (_| | | | |  __/
\____/\__,_|_.__/ \__,_|_|  \___|\__|   \_/ \___/|_|\__\__,_|_|_|  \___|

A transcription of the legendary monologue Guy Tavares aka Schmerzlabor
made after his  DJ gig in the Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg on the 2nd of
march in the year of our Lord 2014 (German Language only)

'HERGANG UNBEKANNT' ('Circumstances Unknown')
'Schmerzlabor und Das Cabaret Voltaire',
Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg, B.R.D., Sonntagnacht 02-03-2014

Ihre gnädigen und sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, ich bitte Sie um
Verzeihung, aber ich möchte Ihnen folgende dunkle Geschichte erzählen,
eine Geschichte über die Sünden von diesem Tatort Hamburg, die Sünden
von der 'Reeperbahn', 'ici, dans le port d'Hambourg' am Tag des Herrn,
in der Nacht den Herren, wo die Herren am Ende des Wochenendes noch
'nen letzten 'Spaziergang' machen können, und für 'nen guten Preis...

Aber, es gibt hier natürlich wie überall auch Angst! Jawohl, liebe
Freunde, Sie hören gut, Angst! Und was nun, kleiner Mann? Hmmm? Hat der
Kleine Angst, na? Ja, der Kleine hat Angst! Einst, etwa 20 Jahre her,
kurz nach der Wende, war einmal hier in Hamburg ein kleiner Mann, der
keine Angst hatte. Lass uns ihn 'Hänschen' nennen, na, 'ne gute Name für
'ne Hansestadt, doch? Hänschen, aus Hänschenstadt, HH!

Und das man hier Angst hat, das verstehe ich doch sehr wohl, denn sie
alle wissen natürlich das dieser Teil Europas Grenzegebiet ist und seit
vielen Jahrhunderten hat man darum Angst: 'Die Nothwendigkeit ist das
Reich der Natur und die Freiheit das Reich der Gnade'. Und nicht weit
von hier, hinter der Elbe, fangt Asien an. Hinter der Elbe, wo es
immer noch sehr viel Natur gibt, aber leider keine Gnade. Ja, jedes
Jahrhundert gibt's einige Male ein Fluß, von Osten nach Westen,
fluß nach fluß mit wilden Asiatischen horden, gnadenlose Reiter mit
nadenlosen Pferden, ganz ohne Erbarmen aus feldgrauen Morgenrotlanden!

Immer wieder stürzen sich auf das Abendland ganz die Wut und ganz die
Rasernei in endlosen Reihen aus endlosen Steppen aus der endlosen Wüste
der gnadenlosen Tatarei! Und wir alle sind nur Weicheier und 'sie' sind
hier im Westen wie Max und Moritz im Land von Kokanien, Schlaraffenland,
dort wo jetzt gegrillte, wohlgebratene Hünchen direkt in dein
geöffnetes Mündchen fliegen, schlupp!

Aber so war es damals, etwa 20 Jahre her, unser Hänschen der an jedem
Sonntagabend in der Nähe von der 'Kleinen Freiheit', am Tag des Herrn,
in der Nacht für die Herren, wirklich ein Sonderangebot hatte, für alle
Herren der Nacht.

'Frische Birne! Volle Birne! Spezialangebot! Frische Birne! Volle Birne!
Ich hab' sie gepflegt und gefüttert! Spezialangebot volle Birne! Und für
'nen guten Preis 'nen letzten Spaziergang, na?' Die Leute da wissen
natürlich alle das seine 'Früchte' ganz 'gegennatürlich' waren, sein
'Obst' und sein 'Gemüse' ganz entartet, aber das war ihnen allen in Sankt
Pauli selbstverständlich nur scheißegal. Und man soll dabei verstehen das
unser kleines Liebesprinschen nähmlich einzig, großartig, glänzend,
phänomenal war. Sein wertvolles 'Elbebein',schneeweiß, vielleicht nicht
vergleichbar mit dem 'Schwäbisches Töpfchen', aber doch, für die
Connaisseurs in der Region eine sehr gerühmte Lokalspezialität, und sein
'Blumenfleisch', rosenblumrot, unser 'Narziss' mit 'Goldmund', unser
'Lorelei' von 'Elbemund', solch'n kleines Bubelein, so frisch und
fröhlich knabelich, und für 'nen guten Preis! An jedem Tag des Herrn, in
jeder Nacht den Herren...

Einmal aber gab es auch für Hänschen 'nen letzten 'Spaziergang'. Damals
war, einige Jahre nach der Wende, ein Flugzeugträger der Russischen
Kriegsmarine im Hafen angekommen mit etwa 800 ausgehungerten Matrosen,
Schaum, oder darf ich mal sagen 'Abschaum', aus allen Teilen des altes

Russen, Belarussen, Ukrainer und Kosaken, Esten, Letten und Litauern,
Polen und Moldawier, Wolgadeutschen und Ostjuden, Georgier, Armenier und
Aserbaidschaner, Osseten, Tscherkessen und Tetschener, Kalmücken,
Baschkiren und Tataren, Kazaken, Kirgisen, Uzbeken, Turkmenen und
Tadschiken, Buryaten und Mongolen, Yakuten und Tunguzen, Koryaken, und so

Och, diese armen Jung'männer! Durch ihre eigenen ethnischen
Gesellschaften 'abgesandt'! Wenn sie zurückkehren mit Gold und Ehre
möchte das schon gut sein, aber wenn sie ebenfalls niemals wiederkehren,
na, dann wäre das eigentlich am besten... Die Notwendigkeit, das Reich
der Natur... 

Und ich hab' Ihnen schon gesagt, kleines süßes Hänschen hatte keine
Angst. An diesem Tag des Herrn hatte er einige von diesen feldgrauen
Morgenrotlandmatrosen 'am Bahn' entfernt und er war mit ihnen mitgegangen
um sich, für 'nen guten Preis, mit ihnen zu 'vereinbaren'. Doch diesmal
war alles anders. Noch niemals war für unser Hänschen 'das Rätsel der
mannmännlichen Liebe' einfach so eintrittlich haßvoll und gegenwärtig

Unser Hänschen war ganz überrascht und überwältigt durch die ganze Wut
und Rasernei aus der endlosen Wüste der gnadenlose Tatarei! Hatte der
alte Goethe das gemeint mit 'das ewig Männliche'? Oder war es nur der
Zorn Gottes, 'Dies Irae' am Tag des Herrn ohne Unterschied und ohne
Urteil, den Zorn eines tragisches Gottes um die Gegenwärtigkeit der
eigenhändig gemachten Natur?

Am nächtsten Tag, im feldgrauen Morgenrot, würde sein 'freies', nacktes
Körperchen gefunden, nicht weit von der Elbebrücken, am Rand der
Autostrasse beim Kai. Und noch niemals hatte der sehr geehrte und sehr
gelehrte und sehr beliebte Professsor am Institut für Kriminalforschung
solch ein außergewöhnlich 'ausgewohntes' Loch angetroffen! Bei der
Autopsie wurden auch bis zu 8 Liter menschliches Samen entdeckt, 3 Liter
im Magen, 3 Liter in den Gedärmen und etwa 2 Liter in, für die medische
Wissenschaft ganz neuen Eintritten, oder darf ich mal sagen
'Einschnitten' und Einsichten der wirklich unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten der
menschliche Physiognomie! 'Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate', zur
Liebeshölle und zum Liebesparadies würde diese Liebeskarawane ohne Ende
nie aufhören und selbst wenn der Tod eingetreten ist, möchten sie nicht
aufhören neue ungekannte Liebeshöhlen handmässig, oder darf ich mal sagen
'leibmässig', durch ein endlos kräftiges stoßen auszugraben.

Auch die Resultate der DNA-Prüfung waren sehr, sehr interessant und sehr,
sehr typisch! Das ganze Blut-Emporium des altes Zaren-Imperiums hatte
dabei 'acte de présence' gemacht!  Russen, Belarussen, Ukrainer und
Kosaken, Esten, Letten und Litauern, Polen und Moldawier, Wolgadeutschen
und Ostjuden, Georgier, Armenier und Aserbaidschaner, Osseten,
Tscherkessen und Tetschener, Kalmücken, Baschkiren und Tataren, Kazaken,
Kirgisen, Uzbeken, Turkmenen und Tadschiken, Buryaten und Mongolen,
Yakuten und Tunguzen, Koryaken, und so weiter...

Und so werden eigentlich doch am Ende alle Menschen Brüder, wer hätte
das gedacht! Mit bis zu 8 Liter in seinem Körperchen zusammengebracht,
waren das etwa 800 männlichen, oder darf ich mal sagen 'mannmännlichen'
Spritzen, wovon bis zu 300 'post mortem', nicht nur unangenehm, auch
ekelhaft! Man konnte natürlich an einen Zusammenhang denken, aber ich
weiß, 'das Schwarz und Weiß ist kein Beweis', und das Russisches
Bärenschiff hatte den Hafen schon verlassen und befand sich seit vielen
Stunden auf dem 'Mare Liberum'. Auch das Ministerium hatte, so kurz nach
dem Anschluß von Volksgenossen und Volksgenossinnen aus der gnadenlosen
'Demokratischen Volksrepublik' ins Ostland, leider keine diplomatischen
Krawalle mit den ausgehungerten post-sovietischen Russen.   So, bis zu
diesem Tag des Herrn, lautet die offizielle Polizei-Anzeige dieses
tragisches Falls immer noch:

 'Hergang unbekannt'...

Ach, und niemals wieder wird man noch mal 'dans le port d'Hambourg', am
Tag des Herrn, seine schöne, hohe Stimme singen hören: 'Frische Birne!
Volle Birne! Spezialangebot!  Frische Birne! Volle Birne! Spezialangebot
voller Birne! '...
Und dieser kleine Mann, der keine Angst hatte und nicht 'für sich allein
gestorben war', die ganze ewige Rache Gottes,'Flagello de Dio', aus dem
gnadenlosen Osten voll Finsterniss für die ganze Stadt, voll Sünden, ganz
allein auf sich 'genommen' hatte; Diesmal die Großstadt ganz gerettet!

Und für 'nen guten Preis, na? Ein kleines Opferchen!

Denn was soll Hamburg sein ohne sein Hänschen? Wo soll diese 'Freie
Hansestadt' noch bleiben, hmmm?...

'An 'nem schönen, blauen Montag liegt ein toter Mann am Kai, und ein
Mensch geht um die Ecke  den man 'Judas Goldstein' nennt'...

Guy Tavares Guerra Roque

      _               _  __ _          _    
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 / __| |/ _` / __/ __| | |_| |/ _ \/ _` / __|

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 \___|_|\__,_|___/___/_|_| |_|\___|\__,_|___/
                                                  ____    blah
                      ______________________     |  ..|      blah
                     | ===               __ |    |  .,         blah
        _____________|_______   ____    |__||    |  /
       |---               ---|________      |    |  |          __=___=__
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       |      ---   ---      |______________|    \  ::\    / /  o o o    \
       |         ---         |                  / \___|   / /  o o o     |
       |_____________________|                 /          |/  o o o      /
                                               |          /\            /
                                                \________/  \__________/

FOR SALE Left over artist drinking tickets for various European clubs.
impress your peers ordering drinks at the bar with these artist
drinking tickets! 10 tickets, as new - 100 euro o.b.o. reply number 2349032

I AM IN THE POSSESION of Alien vegetables. its seeds were given to me by QUZXIO
an envoy from the planet Lumurious will trade for asteroid dust reply
number 2349033

LARGE COLLECTION of fake b-brand candy bars & crips packets acquired in club
back stages incl. clones of Bounty, M&Ms, various liquorish. PIRATO, Chateau
luxury chocolate, BINGO, ROMEO bars Reply number 23033

THE HAGUE BUSTOUR DAYTRIP Experience the legendary The Hague electro-nix scene
from up close! See the 1920s expressionist style of IFM Panama Racing Team HQ,
visit the medieval dungeons of Schmerzlabor, shop in the same seaside supermarket
as Baz Reznik and more!  incl. free sticker, coffee and cake and 3 hour IFM in-
vestment timeshare product presentation. book your trip now at

G.A.S. (Gear Acquiring Syndrome) Problems? Call the G.A.S Helpline 555 - 2353288 
we listen and HELP      

SafeHaven 4 Reptoids. Have you seen reptillians in San Louis Obispo? Journalist
is covering this story and needs ur help! Contact the editor.

Check out the CoOl3sT l33t hiDeOut-----HoMe Ov ThEe fREaKs GlObAlDaRkNeZzzzz 24 hourz 4 latenite chatz

Visit Strange New Places From The Comfort Of Your Own Head // TEMPLO RECORDS

Wanted: musical collaborator(s) to work on long traks that are barely
there. Ideally you have an interest in exploring the mysteries of your soul
and are or would like to be able to express your journey as music. Reply to
stasisresearch =-AT-=

'Regolith Hunter' by Ta Xon - New cassette / Download * soundtrack for Lunar
Helium 3 Prospectors*

TRADE my Mute SyNtHNoiSe maker & MonoTroN 4 summmmtin' else I = dRVgCvLtVrE
u know were 2 find me twitter @drvgcvltvre

musette de cour double chanter, for duophonic bagpipe playing. €750 or swap
for genuine Hans Memling painting. contact Jimi Voltagio

Voltagio's thriftstore VHS mastering service, for authentic 80's sounding
tracks! Fax #0703249681 for updated rates

De nieuwe HVV supporters winkel is reeds geopend! schaf deze week nog uw
favoriete windjacker aan, en u ontvangt GEHEEL GRATIS het Hubo Vermeulen
fullcolour prentenboek door H.Vermeulen! Met adembenemende afbeeldingen van
zijn voetbal hoogtepunten door de jaren heen en diverse trivia !

GROW YOUR OWN SPACE-WEED -> instruction VIDEO on VHS - get all the insider
tips for the best yield SPACE WEED is the Future! email:

Te koop: Doos BAX ballpoints - ZGAN Tegen elk aannemelijk bod. ref. 2938293829


And a final thought for this issue...

"You understand now that you are no longer a fairy in the platonic super world...
but that you are actually a monkey with a brain full of mush trying to sort out
whats right in front of you"